BTT101 Resume Activity
Before you begin, complete the following 1.Download this PowerPoint and save it to your computer 2.Research the following & write your answers on this slide: a.What is a resume? b.What are “employability skills”?
Read the following WHAT IS A RESUME? A self-marketing tool where you highlight factual and marketable qualities, skills, experiences with the goal of obtaining an interview An employer’s first glimpse of you An integral part of the job searching process – you need a resume to get a job A work in progress – you should continually update it as you finish school, change jobs, win awards, etc.
Read the following 3 slides and change the colour of the skills that you have Ability to manage and organize information Ability to problem solve Ability to work autonomously Adaptability and flexibility Analytical ability Communication (verbal and written) Computer savvy Creativity and innovation
… Decision making skills Goal orientation Honesty Interpersonal skills (relates well to others) Leadership and management Listening skills Negotiation skills Participation in projects and tasks
… Positive attitude and behavior Reliability Sense of responsibility Strong work ethic Teamwork Willingness to keep learning Work safety
You are going to start crafting a resume. Read the following slides & answer any questions they ask: RESUME GUIDELINES Think about what type of job you would like to apply for and shape your resume towards that type of industry. Perhaps a summer internship? Part-time job? A volunteer position at an office? Type your job here: _______ Keep your resume to a maximum of two pages Must be typed Make sure your address is appropriate Make sure there are NO spelling or grammar errors
Parts of a Resume OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Is a concise statement outlining your specific employment goal – a reason you are applying for this position. Be unique! E.g. With strong writing skills, international volunteer experience, and a drive to succeed, I am seeking a challenging internship at a dynamic advertising agency that values and engages its employees. If you need more examples, Google it! What’s your objective statement? Type it here.
Parts of a Resume EDUCATION: Include level of education, area of study, school name and year of graduation. Begin with your highest level of education OR the most relevant to the job you are applying for. E.g. Ontario Secondary School Diploma (In progress), Best Business School, Write your education here:
Parts of a Resume WORK EXPERIENCE: Lists any related work experience chronologically with your current or most recent position first. Provide company name, your title, dates of employment and a description of your tasks and responsibilities using bullet points. Then, use bullet points to describe what you do/did using action verbs and providing evidence E.g. Guitar Teacher, ABC Music School, London, ON, June 2005 – December 2006 Taught private and group Level One Beginner Guitar classes to students under 12 Created lesson plans used by 60 students for all Level One classes that resulted in passing grades for all students and raised Level Two enrolment by 50% **The bolded words are action verbs. Check out the resource on our website titled “Action Verbs” for some words to use***
What’s your work experience? Write it on this slide using the template from the previous slide. (All jobs count, including babysitting, tutoring, pet sitting, paper routes…but it’s okay if you haven’t had any yet!)
Parts of a Resume VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: On the next slide, list any volunteer experience the same way you listed your work experience. Include skills that support the position you are applying for.
My volunteer experience:
Other Parts of a Resume Read these sections, then brainstorm on the next slide. SKILLS List any skills that you can bring to the job (E.g. Proficient at Microsoft Office suite programs, Able to work with Windows and Mac operating systems, Skilled at using Google productivity software, Fluent in written and oral French) AWARDS List any awards that you have won, along with the year CERTIFICATES List any certificates you have (e.g. First Aid)
My skills, awards, certifications Skills: Awards: Certificates:
Parts of a Resume EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES This section lists the activities that you participate in (both inside and outside of school) E.g. sports, clubs, associations
Parts of a Resume REFERENCES: List the name, title and contact number of two references. Alternatively, you can write “References available upon request” at the bottom of your resume. Be sure to have this information typed on a separate piece of paper should an interviewer ask you for references.
My references List some possible references here (you may leave out private information)
Finally, craft your resume! Now that you have completed each section in this PowerPoint, download the “Resume Template” off of our website (Under Unit 4 content) and fill in your information (delete the instructions e.g. “Address”). There is no one way that resumes must look. This is simply a starting template that can be changed. Search some resumes online and make note of 3 things you like about them here: