Regional Operational Programme version from November 2005 Overview NDP implementation system in Poland Innovation related programmes in Poland ROP Expectations National Development Plan - implementation system NSRR Sectorial Strategies Regional Development Strategies KPZKCSG Lisbon / Göteborg Strategies National Development Plan Sectorial Operational Programmes Regional Operational Programmes Other Programmes National Strategic Reference Frameworks Innovation related programmes in Poland SOP Innovation – Investments - Open economy SOP Science, new technologies, information society ROP Evolution centralized management decentralized management, SOP and ROP relations Document layout 1.Introduction 2.Social and economic regional diagnoze, 3.Evaluation of the pre-accession, structural funds and Cohesion Fund help for region 4.Regional Development Strategy - overview 5.Priorities and measures 6.Cohesion with other programmes under NDP 2007 – 2013 and others development programmes 7.Financial plan 8.Implementation system ROP Priorities 1.Environment protection and space, 2.Transport infrastructure, 3.Social infrastructure, 4.Economy and innovation, 5.Human resources, 6.Technical assistance. Priority IV Economy and innovation 4.1 Strenghtening the regional investment attraction Economy development infrastructure Economy promotion 4.2. Strenghtening the regional tourism and cultural attraction Tourism and culture infrastructure Tourism and culture promotion 4.3. Investments in micro and SME’s Direct investments in microbusinesses Consulting and direct investments in SME’s Consulting and direct investments in SME’s in the field of innovation 4.4. Innovation and technology transfer – regional innovation system 4.5. Information society development Consulting and direct investments in SME’s in the field of innovation (1) Project types Patenting proccess of own product, service or innovative solution, Licence purchaising New technology implementation Consulting in the process of new technology implementation Consulting and direct investments in SME’s in the field of innovation (2) Critiria of the project’s selection Patents age Experience in the proccess of new technology implementation Range of innovations Costs effectiveness Technical feasibility Profits lasting 4.4. Innovation and technology transfer – regional innovation system (1) Projects types Creation and development of the science – technology parks, Development and modernization of the Transfer Technology and Advanced Technology Centres infrastructure, Purchasing the software and software licences dedicated to technology commertialisation, Purchaising licences for patents using, Purchaising the access to European and world patent databases, Regional and local clusters support in term of common investments and marketing activities of SME’s, 4.4. Innovation and technology transfer – regional innovation system (2) Beneficiaries Transfer Technology and Advanced Technology Centres, Territorial units, Higher education institiutions, Research institutions, Research institutions representing science networks and consortiums, R & D centres, SME’s, Consortiums. 4.5. Information society development (1) Project types 1. ICT network and broadband infrastructure, 2. Internet Public Access Points, 3. ICT Investitions in the management centres of regional and local networks, 4. Building and implementation of the digital platforms for integrated management system on the regional and local level in the field of eGovernment, eSecurity, eDemocracy, eHealth, 5. Digitalisation of the regional and local resources and data bases, 6. Building the overlocal Spatial Information Systems (GIS). 4.5. Information society development (2) Criteria of projects selection: Cohesion with the national documents in the field of IST and European Communication i2010 Financial table Priority%(mln EUR) EFRR I26470,5 II25452,4 III20362 IV20362 VI472,4 EFS V347,5 Programme reserve590,5 Total: over 2, 8 bln EUR Timetable ConsultationsJuly – December 2005 Draft15 December 2005 Regional Operational ProgrammeMarch 2005 Expectations Ex – ante evaluation: Expertise of the innovative measures within ROP, Expertise of the ROP implementation system.