Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia Focus Areas 1.Mainstreaming SAc in public sector – Environment – Extractive industries – Health – Education – Infrastructure – Social welfare
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia MCG member GOVERNMENT (Specific Government Agencies on Envt., EI, etc.) MCG Citizen Groups/ MCG members Citizen Groups PlanningBudgetingExp. Mgt. Performance Assessment PUBLIC SECTOR Environment, EI, Health, Education, Infrastructure, Social Welfare Develop tools for monitoring Build the capacity of CGs Approach: Focus on a specific program or activity per sector per year Output: An evaluation of specific public sector using scoring – To what extent is SAc practiced
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia Public sector SAc in public service delivery – Monitoring how revenues from EI are used for public service delivery (planning, budgeting, expenditure management, performance/scoring) – Scoring tool
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia STRENGTHS Committed and active members of CG CG got organized by law CG has 3 research orgs (as members) CG multistakeholder representation: research, EI, health, education, PM, budget Network is well-organized There are good practices among NGOs Good capacity of CG to convey SAc messages in the education sector Good exchange of information thru networks Network has lots of experience in procurement and budget monitoring Participation-based action/activity Champion in health sector (Ualmbayar from CDHU) Opportunity to engage with govt thru Demo Technical & funding support from ANSA Conducting SAc mapping study in a participative way WEAKNESSES Gaps in SAc knowledge and information SAc not clearly defined Lack of awareness on SAc in other countries Lack of funding Lack of tools on awareness raising and advocacy of SAc (simple but informative) Some NGOs lack the capacity and the resources, including technical capacity Currently no strategic plan No concrete, tangible work Not good understanding between NGOs and govt at the grassroots level, but good at national level (threat?) Some problems among NGOs/networks with regards to not taking responsibilities, e.g. time/delays Feedback and followup from members are weak
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia OPPORTUNITIES Majority of citizens support democracy and its values Representative democracy There is basic fundamental laws, e.g. constitution Good cooperation between NGOs/CSOs at grassroots and provincial level Existing situation livelihood situation as an opportunity to organize community groups Projects for the implementation of MDG Govt promised commitment to join international treaties and other commitments CS Council engage the govt towards open hearing (but nothing to do with govt – but transition towards democracy) Other networks operating aside from MCG Opportunity to learn best practices from other countries International orgs interested to support CSOs Good literacy level Some SAc initiatives can be funded by govt THREATS Tendency to look up to the govt People have welfare orientation/mind Lower capacity of taking responsibility at the individual and institutional levels Weak human rights education Govt and citizens do not have clear understanding of SAc Governance issues, e.g. highly centralized, corruption Duties of govt public officers re SAc is unclear Govt workers working with community: their duties need to be clarified, esp referring to SAc duties No budget allocation for SAc activities No clear tools and mechanisms of SAc Unclear govt structures to accommodate SAc Government’s lack of capacity to evaluate programs and projects Limited access to information Weak sharing of SAc experiences from other countries (e.g. study tours, field visits, etc)
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia MISSION Creating the mechanism that facilitates citizens’ engagement, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation to mainstream SAc in governance VISION Citizen monitors/oversight – accountable governance SAc network expanded at the national level The foundation for the enabling envt. for SAc established Evaluation mechanism on SAc developed and implemented
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia SAc network expanded and capacitated at the national level By 2010, the capacity bldg training for network members will have been conducted 2 to 3 times By 2010, the network members will have studied the experiences and best practices of other ANSA member countries (study tours, workshops, experience-sharing trips) By 2012, the branches of the network shall have been established in 3 provinces. By 2013, capacity bldg training shall have been conducted 3X in rural areas. By 2013, the database of the SAc shall have been created.
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia The foundation for the enabling policy environment for SAc is advocated By the end of 2010, the legal envt for SAc will have been identified and assessed. (the data will mainly come from the SAc mapping exercise) By the end of 2011, the negotiations for creating favorable legal envt shall be reached based on the cooperation of all stakeholders. (includes govt, donor agencies, etc.) By the end of 2012, the network will have participated in the working group to develop the draft on administrative procedure law to be submitted to parliament for approval.
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific... connecting citizens to improve governance Cambodia Indonesia Philippines Mongolia Evaluation mechanism on SAc developed and implemented By 2010, SAc criteria and tools and shall have been developed, revised and approved. (who will approve? – MCG with ANSA assistance) MCG’s unique criteria – in the long run, involve the govt By 2011, 2 to 3 govt agencies shall have been selected and evaluated in terms of SAc according to the criteria (to be discussed by the public) – piloting and benchmarking By 2012, 5 to 6 focus areas shall have been selected and monitored on SAc practices on an ongoing basis throughout the year. (election year – a potential risk?) Social accountability index of Mongolia’s govt agencies shall be produced and publicized. (SAc has 2 actors, govt and CGs. Index to assess performance of the 2 actors, not only govt – but here the priority for assessment will be govt.) – focus on govt responsiveness also maybe access to information