Area 377,835 km² It is 61 st largest country in the world. It is an island next to Asia. It is in the Pacific Ocean.
Population 127,417,244 people It is 10 th largest country in population.
Origins of people Japanese lived here long ago. Like today. 99% of the population is Japanese. The rest of the population are Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, British and others.
Language Cities 市 They talk only in Japanese language. Capital city is Tokyo. The second largest city is Jokohama. Other big cities are Ósaka, Nagoja, Sapporo, Kóbe and Fukuoka.
Politics Japan is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is emperor Akihito. But the head of government is prime minister Yukio Hatoyama.
Worldwide known expressions Sakura Samurai Harakiri Sushi Tsunami Bonsai Geisha Kamikaze Katana Ninja
Geisha Geishas are professional hostesses. The exact translation is the presence of art. They have white makeup and a kimono. They have hair in the shape of halved peaches - momoware.
Anime Origami They are animated films and series that are drawn in Japanese manga style. It is the art of folding paper in different shapes.
Sources aponsko Authors Daniela Valchárová Viktorie Oderská