Japan…All the things you need to know! By Jessica Chambers, Oliver Griffin, Amy Colson and Frankie Johnson…


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Presentation transcript:

Japan…All the things you need to know! By Jessica Chambers, Oliver Griffin, Amy Colson and Frankie Johnson…

Hiragana…(; Hon – ほん – Book. Sushi – すし – Sushi. Sakura – さくら – Blossom. Kakimasu – かきます – Write. Machi – まち – Town. Kiku – きく – To hear/ listen. Shika – しか – Deer. Niku – にく – Meat.

Manga and anime… Death note Tokyo mew mew Rozen Maiden

How to use Japanese toilets (!)…Do’s and dont’s.

Hello Kitty Hello kitty is very popular in Japan. Hello kitty was born in 1974

Food Sushi and green tea are a good combination for main meal. Here are some foods.

Thanks for watching Made and developed by Oliver, pictures by Amy, Jessica and Frankie.