Community Paramedic
Benchmark 101 We need a description of the epidemiology of the medical conditions targeted by the community paramedicine program in the service are using both population-based data and clinical databases.
Benchmark – description of illnesses and injuries within the community –Data from geographic area –High-risk populations –Incidence –Prevalence Evidence from vital statistics, ED visits, EMS data, PD data, other sources
Benchmark – Collaboration exists between CP program and public health and health systems leaders to complete risk assessments.
Benchmark – Use of an electronic information system for the CP program and tied to area health/hospital electronic systems. –Must have a report feature.
Benchmark 102 Resource assessment –102.1 – The CP needs to complete a comprehensive inventory that identifies the availability and distribution of current capabilities and resources from a variety of partners and organizations throughout the community. Elderly care, home health, EMS, etc.
Benchmark – the CP program has completed a gap analysis based on the inventories of internal and external system resources as well as system standards.
Benchmark 103 The CP program assesses and monitors its value to its constituents in terms of cost-benefit analysis and societal investment – cost savings by decreased EMS transports, decreased hospital visits, improved health/wellness
Benchmark – cases that document societal benefit – an assessment of the interests of public officials concerning CP information and a communications mechanism has to be developed.
Benchmark – an assessment of the needs of health insurers/payers concerning CP and a communications mechanism developed – an assessment of the needs of the general medical community (MD, RN, EMS, etc) concerning CP and a communications mechanism developed.
Benchmark 201 Comprehensive statutory authority and administrative rules support CP program infrastructure, planning, provision, oversight, and future development – CP supported by EMS regulations, licensure/certification and scope of practice.
Benchmark – the CP is not in conflict with other licensing agencies including: nursing, physician assistants, home health care, primary care or others.
Benchmark 202 CP program leaders use a process to establish, maintain, and constantly evaluate and improve the CP program in cooperation with medical, payer, professional, governmental, regulatory, and citizen organizations – multi-disciplinary, multi-agency advisory committee.
Benchmark – A clearly defined and easily understood structure is in place for CP program evaluation for improvements – CP program leaders have adopted and use goals that are specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
Benchmark – the CP program has comprehensive protocols for consistent care and to ensure patient care remains within scope of practice – CP program adheres to HIPAA
Benchmark – the exchange of data and any peer review or performance improvement processes are protected from discoverability.
Benchmark 203 The CP program has a comprehensive written plan based on community needs. The plan integrates with all aspects of community health (EMS, public health, primary care, hospitals, social services, etc). The written plan is developed in collaboration with community partners and stakeholders.
Benchmark – the advisory committee has adopted a CP plan – the plan clearly describes the system and includes references to regulatory standards and includes methods of data collection and analysis.
Benchmark 204 Sufficient resources, including those both financial and infrastructure related, support program planning, implementation and maintenance. –204.1 – the CP program plan clearly identifies the human resources and equipment necessary to develop, implement, and manage both clinically and administratively.
Benchmark – Financial resources exist that support the planning, implementation and ongoing management of the CP program.
Benchmark 205 Collected data are used to evaluate system performance and to develop public policy – use of Electronic information system to measure compliance – continuing education for CP providers is developed
Benchmark – CP leaders and the advisory committee regularly review system performance reports.