宝塚歌劇 (TAKARAZUKA) 愛と夢想の舞台 (A STAGE OF LOVE & FANTASY ) Presenter: Te-Yuan Huang
BACKGROUND A Japanese all-female musical theater troupe Using only unmarried women Based on the original model of Kabuki( 歌舞伎 ) Western-style musical shows Founded in 1914 by 小林一三 (founder of 阪急阪神 Railways Inc.)
TAKARAZUKA MUSIC SCHOOL( 宝塚音 楽学校 ) The ONLY way to become a member of the troupe The entrance exam is “one of the most competitive of its kind in the world” Training: –Two years in the school Otokoyaku ( 男役 Male-role) Musumeyaku ( 娘役 Female-role) –Seven years in the troupe
Osaka Takarazuka Grand Theatre Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre
QUATRE RÊVES (FOUR DREAMS) Fleur (Flower) – founded in 1921 Lune (Moon) – founded in 1921 Neige (Snow) – founded in 1924 Étoile (Star) – founded in 1931 Cosmos – founded in 1998 –With younger actresses –More experimental performance
Gone with The Wind – 80s Elisabeth – 90’sPhantom - 00’s
天海祐希 – 李香蘭天海祐希 – Top Star in Moon Troupe FORMER PERFORMERS
扇千景 - 日本參議院議長黑木瞳 – 娘役 FORMER PERFORMERS
INFLUENCE Profound influence on anime and manga( 漫畫 ) –Shoujo ( 少女漫畫 ), especially Dr. Osamu Tezuka ( 手塚治虫, Father of Anime) –grew up in Takarazuka –Princess Knight ( リボンの騎士 ) Based on noble princes played by female actresses in Takarazuka Influence of Princess Knight –Rose of Versailles ( 凡爾賽玫瑰 ) –Revolutionary Girl Utena ( 少女革命 ) Video Games –Sakura Wars