Starting a New Practice Thank you Wilma Erasmus for your contribution Starting a new Practice1
Before We Start Scope of Practice –Gov Gazette 3 Dec 1976 Acts and omissions-Ethical rules Gov Gazette 12 August 1994 Guidelines for making your Professional Services Known- HPCSA Medical Schemes Act -Gov Gazette No October 1999 Basic Conditions of Employment Act ICD10 Certificate of Need National Health Plan Starting a new Practice2
LEGISLATIVE AND REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS. Registration with the HPCSA Registration with SASP. Malpractice Insurance. Receiver of Revenue. SARS For provisional tax As an employer VAT: If your gross income exceed R per annum Skills Development Levy. 1% of salaries. Department of Manpower: Unemployment Fund. UIF Registration in terms of Workmen’s Compensation Act. Registration with the Regional Service Councils Annual PCNS fee at BHF Starting a new Practice3
4 Principles, standards and guidelines Physiotherapist Medical Schemes Council BHF HPCSA Department Of Health SASP SARS Department Of Labour Medicines Control Council Department Of Education
MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Why? Where? What? Starting a new Practice5
RESEARCH Feasibility study. Client needs analysis. Location. Financial needs analysis. Human recourses analysis. Legislative and registration requirements. Starting a new Practice7
FEASIBILITY STUDY Distribution of competitors. Physio’s, doctors and others. Population figures. Distribution of hospitals and services offered. Services rendered by competitors. Ethical requirements. Starting a new Practice8
CLIENT NEEDS ANALYSIS What services are being offered? Is there any gaps in current services offered? Do you have a niche service to offer? Starting a new Practice9
LOCATION Premises Check proximity of competitors. Check requirements of the local authorities. Consider accessibility for handicapped people. Allowance for future expansion. Availability of parking. Security. Proximity to public transport. Requirements of lease agreement. - Legal advice. Starting a new Practice10
Location… Functional Demands Reception and waiting area. Space for receptionist and office functions. Toilet facilities for patients and staff. Treatment areas ( cubicle size 2m x 3m) Gymnasium area. Small kitchen area. Area for physiotherapist to prepare reports. Starting a new Practice11
FINANCIAL NEEDS ANALYSIS HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? HOW MUCH DO YOU HAVE? Long term funds should be borrowed on a long term basis. (more than 12 months) Bridging capital: To cover day to day expenses till the money comes in. Starting a new Practice12
Sources of Outside Finances. Financing. Own capital. Outside capital. Liability on balance sheet. Banks by means of lease agreements, instalment sale or bank credit =must be regarded as a short term finance. Be aware of credit trap!!! Starting a new Practice13
Fee Structure NRP List COIDA Private Rate Break Even Point!!!! Starting a new Practice14
HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYSIS. What type of staff would you need? Receptionist, cleaner, debt controller, accountant? How are you going to ensure continuation of treatment? Weekends, leave and sickness? Assistant Physiotherapist or Locum. Starting a new Practice15
PLANNING Business Plan. Mission Statement. Practice Objectives. Time Frames. Interviewing staff. Arranging finances. SHOPPING!!!!! Starting a new Practice16
Planning… NB! Ethical Requirements. Promotion of Professional Image. Signs and Name Plates. Naming the Practice. Stationary Equipment and office furniture. Treatment equipment Electronic equipment Office furniture Starting a new Practice17
Account Rendering DIY or Outsource? Soft Ware Package? Electronic or Paper? Electronic. Who? Paper. Postage or courier? Starting a new Practice18
IMPLEMENTATION Stick to your Business Plan, Objectives, Time Frames and BUDGET!!! Self Management Time Management Patient Management Financial Management Knowledge Management = CPD Human Resources Management. Starting a new Practice19
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