LOGO Driving the Working Conditions Growth Goal Back to the Principal Performance Standards TELL KY Survey and PPGES
Acknowledgements Earl W. Hughes KLA Consultant With Grateful Acknowledgement of the Contributions of Abbie Combs, KVEC Director of Innovations & Regional PGES Consultant Char Williams, KLA Consultant and Regional Trainer
TELL Kentucky: The Intent Statewide, certified, school-based educators Working conditions at the school, district and state levels Questions focus on school environment and “leadership Administrators provide additional feedback on district and state support TELL KY results are only reported at the state level
TELL KY is an anonymous process through which respondent feedback is collected related to: Time Facilities & Resources Professional Development Instructional Practices & Support Community Support & Involvement Managing Student Conduct Teacher Leadership Student Leadership New Teacher Support TELL KY: The Format
PRINCIPAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1.Instructional Leadership 2.School Climate 3.Human Resources Management 4.Organizational Management 5.Communication & community Relations 6.Professionalism 7.Student Growth TELL KY: The Connection Working Conditions Goal
TELL KY: The Results Summary xx High School All KY High Schools CountyKY Time a.Class sizes are reasonable such that the teachers have the time available to meet the needs of all students. b.Teachers have time available to collaborate with colleagues. c.Teachers are allowed to focus on educating students with minimal interruptions. d.The non-instructional time provided for teachers in my school is sufficient. e.Efforts are made to minimize the amount of routine paperwork teachers are required to do. f.Teachers have sufficient instructional time to meet the needs of all students. g.Teachers are protected from duties that interfere with their essential role of educating students. xx% Facilities and Resources Professional Development Instructional Practices and Support Community Support and Involvement Managing Student Conduct Teacher Leadership School Leadership New Teacher Support Shows the percent of respondents who agreed with the statement Each major category has specific questions beneath
TELL KY: Detailed Results 3%37% 53% 7% 9%31% 43% 17% 7%34% 48% 11% 10%31% 42% 16% Class sizes are reasonable such that teachers have the time available to meet the needs of all students. XXX HS (n=60, dk=0) All KY HS (n=10279, dk=42) XXX County (n=213, dk=0) Kentucky (n=41793, dk=165) Strongly disagreeAgreeStrongly agree Disagree
Reflective Practice, Student Growth,TELL KY Working Conditions and Professional Growth Planning Template TELL KY:
TELL Working Conditions Growth Goal Identify an area of growth Collaborate to create a goal & rubric Check progress at the end of the first year Modify strategies/actions if needed and continue with goal implementation Two Year Calendar
1. Identify an area of growth Focus Survey Question Supporting Survey Question Number of supporting questions will vary Choose the focus area that will have the greatest impact on student achievement!
1. Identify an area of growth b. Local access data are available in time to impact instructional practices (68%) c. Teachers use assessment data to inform their instruction (94%) f. Provided supports translate to improvements in instructional practices by teachers (75%) There is a significant difference between access to local data and teacher use of data: Number of supporting questions will vary TELL: Instructional Practices and Support
2. Collaborate to create a goal, rubric and action plan Principal and Supervisor collaborate to clarify TELL data results and focus area. They also connect the focus area to one or more of the Principal Professional Standards Develop a working conditions goal statement Develop a rubric Develop an action plan
2. Collaborate to create a goal, rubric and action plan TELL data focus area is aligned to Principal Performance Standard #1: Instructional Leadership Principal Performance Standard #3: Human Resources Management Between 2013 and 2015 the percentage of teachers in agreement with the statement Local Assessment data are available in time to impact instructional practices will improve from 68% to 80%.
Sidebar Conversation Quick & EasyHarder to Fix INAPPROPRIATE GOAL if a few simple procedures can be quickly changed to address the lack of timeliness in getting data to teachers, and in supporting them in ways that improve their instructional practices. APPROPRIATE GOAL if there are no existing processes and procedures for getting data to teaches in a timely way, and if the leadership’s capacity for supporting teachers in instructional practices needs, itself, has great need for professional development.
2. Collaborate to create a goal, rubric and action plan Between 2013 and 2015 the percentage of teachers in agreement with the statement Local Assessment data are available in time to impact instructional practices will improve from 68% to 80%.
2. Collaborate to create a goal, rubric and action plan Between 2013 and 2015 the percentage of teachers in agreement with the statement Local Assessment data are available in time to impact instructional practices will improve from 68% to 80%.
3. Check progress at the end of the first year. For the Working Conditions Goal, the mid-point review comes at the end of the first year. Supervisor and Principal review the evidence related to progress towards goal attainment Supervisor and Principal collaborate on any modifications indicated for the action plan
4. Continue implementing TELL KY working conditions growth goal through March of year two. The principal continues using the Reflective Practice, Student Growth, TELL KY Working Conditions and Professional Growth Planning Template to: Monitor goal progress Maintain on-going reflections Create evidence for summative review at end of 2- year cycle
Crosswalk Between TELL Kentucky and Principal Performance Standards TELL Kentucky Categories Performance Standards Time Instructional Leadership School Climate Facilities and Resources Instructional Leadership Organizational Management Professional DevelopmentInstructional Leadership Instructional Practices and Support Instructional Leadership Human Resources Management Community Support and InvolvementCommunication & Community Relations Managing Student ConductSchool Climate Teacher Leadership Human Resources Management Organizational Management School Leadership Instructional Leadership Human Resources Management Organizational Management New Teacher SupportHuman Resources Management
LOGO Thank you! Additional resources can education.ky.gov tellkentucky.org be found at education.ky.gov under the section on Effective Leaders, and at tellkentucky.org under resources and tools.