The Coalition for Action on ICT enabled change in Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

The Coalition for Action on ICT enabled change in Europe

Focus - Coalition for Action – Knowledge Sharing Consumer / Business Demand New Applied innovation: Existing technologies used in new ways Radical Innovation: New technologies that make new things possible More ‘blue sky’ vendor driven innovation, need to educate the user market Existing Incremental Innovation : Improvement of existing technologies Modular Innovation: New technologies that solve existing problems User – driven / demand and consumer pull, need speed of response ExistingNewImpact Enabling technologies

CfA Aims Vision (synthesis of meetings so far) Formulation and animation of networks that bring together Regional/National ICT, Research & Innovation, Entrepreneurs and (SME) Businesses to develop and implement next generation ICT solutions in Europe Focused on key European policy and strategy initiatives, to evolve innovative ICT’s solutions that transform policy into practice. To deliver solutions that become a cornerstone of Economic recovery and growth in Europe Mission (synthesis of meetings so far) Operating a European wide network of networks, dedicated to the development of the next generation of ICT enabled solutions that deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to citizens and business in Europe. A managed a knowledge portal Tools and guidance to support proposals and project delivery Access to European resources / expertise / capacity and capabilities Focused workshops / conferences to build relationships, understanding and co-operation Leading edge processes and practices to support innovation with ICT Local / national coalitions aligned to the European agenda to facilitate top down and bottom up dialogue Ambition ConceptPrototypeDevelopProduct Commercialisation of research and innovation being a key area for focus Insight to implementation

The Coalition for Action Smart Specialisation Strategies Horizon 2020 The Digital Agenda The Connecting Europe Facility … Key policy programmes across Europe running to 2020 designed to deliver maximum social, environmental and economic impact. The challenge: - how can we best prepare to get the best from these funds, support the most beneficial ideas and concepts, attract the right capabilities and resources and focus on ‘capturing the value’ in Europe? Establishing coherent solutions that bring together the ambitions of each programme. Focus on the contribution of a specific sector - ICT

Our Vision (draft) Formulation and animation of networks that bring together Regional/National ICT, Research & Innovation, Entrepreneurs and (SME) Businesses to develop and implement next generation ICT solutions in Europe Focused on key European policy and strategy initiatives, to evolve innovative ICT’s solutions that transform policy into practice. To deliver solutions that become a cornerstone of Economic recovery and growth in Europe ConceptPrototypeDevelopProduct Commercialisation of research and innovation being a key area for focus Insight to implementation

The Mission (draft) Mission (draft) Operating a European wide network of networks, dedicated to the development of the next generation of ICT enabled solutions that deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to citizens and business in Europe. A managed a knowledge portal Tools and guidance to support proposals and project delivery Access to European resources / expertise / capacity and capabilities Focused workshops / conferences to build relationships, understanding and co-operation Leading edge processes and practices to support innovation with ICT Local / national coalitions aligned to the European agenda to facilitate top down and bottom up dialogue

Who should ‘join’ the CfA Regional / National ICT Policy Programme Mangers Infrastructure Project Economic Development Regional / National Innovation bodies Universities Dedicated research (ICT) institutions ICT / Sector representatives Regional Businesses Entrepreneurs Investors Small to medium enterprises

Current Status Foundation workshops (next one is tomorrow in Avenue Beaulieu) Formal launch later this year Website and workshop support to focus on funding opportunities are likely first products Governance structure currently being supported for pan European National represenatative bodies Building interfaces with exisiting bodies (not starting from scratch)

Positioning the CfA – Roger Williams CfA Position Paper 1. Aims Vision Mission Ambition 2. Organisation Structure Roles Governance 3. Activities Events Bids Projects 4. Marketing Propositions Branding Campaigns 5. Technology Website CRM Communication 6. Knowledge Case Studies Methods Intelligence