4 Years of Coaching – What have I learnt?
Top problems Lack of sales Marketing stopped working High and growing Overheads Inmates are running the asylum Lack of owner time
One: Got-to have Passion
Two: Marketing is Key
Be Seen On the job How you behave Vehicles Signage Internet Internet Media PR
3. Total certainty
What are your customers questions? Time Price What to expect Protections
4. Inside out
What is the difference
Simon Sinek People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it
5 Boring wins and wins again
Arrive on time Send out your invoices If it feels uncomfortable – it usually is! Do your sales calls
6: Staff that work
Where does the problem occur Define what you really need Hire attitude not skills Test them Build the relationship not the job
7. Sorry - it is all about you Be above the line Do what you are good at – get someone else to do what you are not Build relationships Business is a long term game Stay on purpose
Thank you
How you can help me I get things done and see the business reality SME CEO roles Corporate – Marketing Manager – Business Development Manager – Project Manager