Marta Marczis Skopje 2010 November Creating new jobs in rural communities
LEADER as a complex tool for local economic development Acronym: “Liaison Entre Actions de Developpement de l´Economy Rurale” “Links between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy”
The LEADER methodology Define a choosen Area Set in hand a Process Develop a Programme Create Partnerships Put in place an Animator Work over a significant period of time
Endogenous resources for local economic development in the rural areas Agricultural land and production Nature and landscape Cultural heritage Local knowledge and skills Diversity and distinctiveness
Example: West Cork LAG LEADER II Statistics Technical Support Rural Tourism Training Small Firm/ Craft Natural Resource Culture/ Heritage Total Applications Received Applications Approved Applications rejected/ineligible Projects in Progress Applications withdrawn/ not proceeding Applications awaiting decision Projects complete Applications referred
Summary of the statistics (West Cork LAG, in 2000) Formal project applications741 Project Approvals303 Projects presented at sub- committee 443 Approval rate/referral60% Approval rate/application44% Development Funding Approved £4,783, Development funding paid£4,756,468.92
From self-help to community economic development
Organizational development and partnership ( West Cork LAG example) Community Development Initiatives New Community Structures created24 New Community Initiatives undertaken32 Initiatives undertaken by existing Community / Voluntary Organisations. 52
Knowledge and information Training Training Initiatives undertaken120 Number of participants completing Training Initiatives 3660
Development of the local SME s Enterprise Development Supports New Enterprise Development39 Existing Enterprises supported52
Creation of new jobs Employment Full Time (FT) Part Time (PT) Created8970 Sustained3315
The thousand LEADER LAGs created sustained jobs in frame of the LEADER II Programme in Europe
Good to know The LEADER strategy should be a Business Strategy too There is difference between income generation and job creation
How to make the local rural economy sustainable Development of local product cluster Tourism, based on multicultural and natural resources Eco-farming & adding value to local product Area-based marketing Renewable energy & energy efficiency creates jobs Empowering community enterprises Community services
Who are the stakeholders? For- and non- profit businesses Public bodiesCivil Society