Day 48 Dawn of Mass Culture Warm Up: What do you do in your free time? Have you been to a amusement park? What do you like about it? Homework: 292-297
Single Skulls Champion by Thomas Eakins
In the Garden (1893) Mary Cassatt Mary Cassett was an expatriate that is the only American Impressionist of her time. She painted in Paris but was not allowed in the art school because she was a woman
American Leisure Amusement Parks- Coney Island Worlds Fair Bicycles Spectator Sports - Baseball and Honas Wagner
Spread of Mass Culture Circulation Wars Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst (What sells?) Ashan Art School Mark Twain- American Life Fiction Thomas Eakins- Realism
Write a headline The San Francisco 49er’s beat the Cleveland browns 20-10. They are now 6-1. The Occupy Oakland protesters are asking people to join them Wednesday to shut down the city. Local History Teacher, Mr. Ocon, is caught stealing 24 inch rims off a Cadillac early this morning.
New Ways to sell goods Urban shopping and the department store F.W. Woolworth and Chain stores Advertising from $10 million in 1865 to $95 million in 1900 Montgomery Ward and Sears Catalogs Rural Free Delivery and Post Office delivery
Summary Questions What medium did Thomas Eakins use to show his art? What style was it? Who wrote adventure stories such as Huckleberry Finn which have since become quintessential American Literature? Montgomery Ward and Sears and Roebucks created this innovation in sales. What group innovated the rural free delivery Hearst and Pulitzer competed with this media.