IAWP Awards Training August 2012
Recognition of Excellence The IAWP awards program recognizes outstanding workforce professionals on the chapter/international levels. Awards are given in a wide variety of areas that cover the Workforce programs. Award nominations start at the subchapter or chapter level and winners on that level can compete in the international-level contests. Because the IAWP awards program may be the only venue in a state to recognize outstanding workforce professionals, it is a great benefit to members and their employers. With multiple award categories for individuals and groups, there is ample opportunity to recognize someone who goes above and beyond. The following details each IAWP award with a short description of each.
Individual & Group Awards
Citation Award - Group or Individual – May nominate 1 in each category The prestigious Citation Award is one of the highest honors IAWP awards each year to both an individual and group nomination. The Citation Award recognizes individuals and groups outside of IAWP who have made outstanding contributions to IAWP and/or to Workforce Development programs.
Citation - One or more of the following achievements is required: Promoting Legislation Specialized Customer Services Health and Working Conditions Professional advancement Community Awareness Nominee: Must be from the private sector or a non- governmental nonprofit organization, not employed by a workforce development entity. Cannot be an IAWP member Activities must occur during previous calendar year preceding year in which award is presented.
Recognizes an IAWP member or group of members who have delivered outstanding service or achievement, beyond normal expectations or job requirements, that benefits IAWP and the workforce development field. Award of Merit - Group or Individual – May nominate 1 in each category
Criteria - Merit Advancing IAWP’s Objectives May be demonstrated by the results the individual/group achieved in leadership roles such as board members, committees, forums, teams, special projects. Promoting Workforce Development Programs or Initiatives Results of nominees’ efforts to enhance awareness, knowledge, skills of other workforce professionals Leadership displayed in furthering the understanding and/or practice of workforce programs/initiatives. Must be a member in both the year activity occurred and the year nomination submitted. Group nominations – two-thirds (or 66%) must be members.
Award recognizes an individual who performed outstanding public service in the support of workforce development programs and/or personnel. Potential nominees include state or federal elected officials, appointed federal administrators, workforce agency directors, etc. Public Policy
Public Policy- One or more of the following achievements is required: Promoting Legislation Policies Workforce Development Promotion Leadership IAWP Support Nominee: Need not be an IAWP member if nominated by one Must have serviced in the legislative or administrative branch of US or State Government, an administrator/director or in a national/state policy making role. Activities must occur during previous calendar year preceding year in which award is presented.
Recognizes individuals and groups who provide exceptional service to customers throughout the workforce system. Service can be work in any workforce area including but not limited to: Job Seekers UI Claimants Businesses Schools Vocational Rehabilitation Clients Veterans People with Disabilities Former Felons Co-Workers Youth Welfare Recipients Job Training Participants Workforce System Customer Service Group or Individual – May nominate 3 in each category
Workforce Service - One or more of the following achievements is required: Customer Services Resource Promotion Partnering Creativity/Innovation Improved Operational Efficiency Nominee: Need not be an IAWP member if nominated by one Activities must occur during previous calendar year preceding year in which award is presented.
Lifetime Achievement Recognizes outstanding, long-term commitment in advancing IAWP objectives. Criteria Advancing IAWP Objectives – Contributions have advanced one or more IAWP objectives. Leadership Commitment – Should have served in a leadership capacity at either local/chapter/district/international level Should have 10 or more years of continuous membership May be living or deceased Past Intl Presidents are not eligible Members of current Administrative Board are not eligible Must be submitted by a member of the Administrative Board
Retiree of the Year Recognizes continued outstanding commitment to IAWP’s objectives following retirement. Criteria – Should have achievements in one or more of the following Advancing IAWP’s objectives Education Membership Legislative Communication Non-dues Income Mentoring Community
Chapter Awards
In addition to the previous awards, each chapter submits documentation of chapter activities for the preceding year to show their efforts in education, promotion of IAWP, etc. The following categories also require documentation throughout the year and a submission appropriately documented and completed. At the International level, each submission is reviewed and scored based on the criteria set out for the award. The chapter with the highest points in each category is recognized at the International level AND the points in these categories help determine the chapters ranking annually at International.
Education This award recognizes chapters for outstanding educational activities and initiatives that best demonstrate a well-rounded commitment to the IAWP objective. “To enhance the individual competence, knowledge and proficiency of members interested in all occupations in the workforce development arena.”
Education Criteria All of the following are criteria International looks for when judging our efforts, each are given a weighted score: Educational Plan – Includes plans for delivering training, sponsoring conferences and district institute, promotion and distribution of Chapter grants and other educational activities Training (1 hour blocks, 20 hours) Educational Conference by Chapter/Subchapter (4 hours) District Institute Chapter Sponsored Grants (Individual & Group) Other Educational Activities – Articles, IAWP Library, WPDP, CWS, Other Educational Projects.
Communication The communication award recognizes chapters that have utilized multi- communication methods for the purpose of sharing information and promoting IAWP activities and initiatives to both members and the public.
Communication Criteria Communication Plan – Includes plans for newsletter, sharing of legislative information, website and & other activities Newsletter (6 issues) Legislative Awareness Website & Other communication activities (including FLASH assistance, etc.)
Chapter Development The Chapter Development Award recognizes chapters for a wide variety of activities that demonstrate diverse and creative projects.
Chapter Development Criteria Chapter Development Plan – Includes chapter service projects, holding an annual chapter business meeting, activities to assist chapters and other chapter development activities Service Projects Annual Business Meeting Assistance to US and International Chapters Other Activities (Board meetings, officer training, new employee orientation, etc.)
Recognition The Recognition Award recognizes chapters for advertising, promoting and conducting a chapter award program utilizing international award and specialized chapter awards.
Recognition Criteria Recognition Plan – Includes plans for presenting chapter-level awards, international awards and membership awards Chapter Awards & Recognition International Awards Membership Awards
Marketing The Marketing Award recognizes chapters for efforts in marketing IAWP to workforce systems staff, administrators, partner organizations and business.
Marketing Criteria Marketing Plan – Includes chapter promotion of IAWP, WPDP and CWS, and mainstream media activities IAWP Promotion WPDP & CWS Promotion Mainstream Media
Membership Gold Key Award - All individuals who recruit 50 or more new members during the membership year. Silver Key Award - All individuals who recruit 25 or more new members during the membership year. Bronze Key Award - All individuals who recruit ten or more new members during the membership year. Keeper Korps Award - Chapter member most responsible for renewal achievement.
Once all of the awards are submitted to International for scoring, the points are added up and the states are ranked. Chapters receive recognition each year at the International Conference.
High Five Award The IAWP High Five Award recognizes those chapters that submit nominations in all five chapter award categories. The five chapter award categories include: Education, Communication, Chapter Development, Recognition and Marketing.
Most Improved Chapter The Most Improved Chapter Award recognizes the chapter that has increased its chapter activity points by the greatest margin of points from the previous year’s points.
Good Luck….. The Adventure Begins!