Enquiry of Employers Oct/Nov 2007 Jüri Kiho University of Tartu Institutue of Computer Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Enquiry of Employers Oct/Nov 2007 Jüri Kiho University of Tartu Institutue of Computer Science

The request A number of CS/IT oriented companies and organisations in Tartu were asked to compose a list of entries of the following structure:. It was requested to indicate current situation (not to consider possible future trends and developments of the organisation). In order to specify the profile of a position (job), the descriptions of corresponding skills and knowledge (representing the minimum level according to ACM/IEEE, see Appendix) was sent to the informants. They were asked to specify CS or IT for a position, depending on which kind of skills they consider would be preferable for an employee in this position.

Pöördun Teie kui TÜ informaatika ja infotehnoloogia õppekavade lõpetanute (tulevaste) tööandjate poole. Nimelt on käsil õppekavade läbivaatamine/korrastamine. Selle käigus tuleb muuhulgas õppekavade eesmärgid sõnastada (õpi)väljundite põhiselt. Kuna neid me alles püüame määratleda, siis esialgu on üheks lähtekohaks ACM/IEEE ( poolt pakutud õpiväljundite loetelud (väljavõtted manuses), nii Computer Science (meil: informaatika) kui ka Information Technology (meil: infotehnoloogia) bakalaureuste (USA-s küll 4 a.) jaoks. ACM/IEEE profileerib bakalaureused laias laastus ja väga selge vahega: CS -- arendajad (kel ka CS teooria-ettevalmistus); IT -- rakendajad (integreeritud IT-lahenduste suund). Palun leidke pisut aega, et koostada väike loetelu. milles loetlete oma firma IT/informaatika-orienteeritud töökohad ja lisate igale töökoha nimetusele kas CS või IT, sõltuvalt sellest, kumma eriala pädevustega (*ACM/IEEE järgi*) inimene sellele töökohale *paremini* sobiks. Töökoha nimetus palume anda võimalikult sisuline, vastavalt momendi tööülesannetele. Ühte ja sama nimetust ei ole vaja muidugi korrata, kuigi sellise ülesandega töötajaid võib olla on mitu. Selgituseks veel niipalju, et ACM/IEEE poolt antud "body of knowledge" sisaldab mõlema eriala puhul ka nn "programming fundamentals" incl nt testimine. Kuid tööstuslikuma tarkvaraarenduse "software engineering"kõrgem tase ei kuulu neil IT teadmustuuma, erinevalt CS erialast. Jüri Kiho, programmijuht

The informants 1.Medisoft 2.Codewiser 3.Quretec 4.Cybernetica 5.WM-data 6.Playtech 7.Reach-u 8.Gennet 9.Raintree 10.Webmedia 11.Mandator 12.Hansson, Leego & Partner 13.SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum 11 out of 13 answered

Töökoht (Position)CSIT Osakonna juhataja (Department manager)2 Teadur (Research fellow ) 7 Analüütik (Analyst)149 Süsteemianalüütik (System analyst)2 Analüütik-projektijuht (Analyst-project manager) 4 Projektijuht (Project manager)10 Analüütik ehk tarkvaranõuete formaliseerija 4 (Analyst – formalizer of software requirements) (Süsteemi)arhitekt (System architect)26 Spetsialist (veebirakenduste arendaja ja haldaja) 1 (Developer and manager of web applications) Spetsialist (MS SQL rakenduste arendaja ja haldaja) 1 (developer and manager of MS SQL applications) Süsteemi arhitekt ehk lahenduse projekteerija vastaval platvormil2 (System Architect – platform solutions designer) Arendusjuht (Development manager)2 Tarkvara arendaja (Software developer)31 Süsteemiarendaja (System developer) 25 Tarkvarainsener (Software engineer) 7 Programmeerija (Programmer) 2626 Kokkuvõte (Summary)

Kasutajaliidese arhitekt (UI architect) 2 Rakenduste insener (Integration engineer) 10 Klienditoe tehnik (Support technician) 15 ERP-süsteemide konsultant (ERP consultant)3 ERP süsteemide arendaja (ERP developer) 2 IT koordinaator (IT coordinator) 2 Testidisainer (Test designer)3 Tarkvara testija (QA engineer) 26 Testija (Tester)13 Analüütik, testija (Analyst, tester) 4 Testija, koolitaja (Tester, trainer)2 Hooldusinsener (Maintenance engineer)2 Hooldusspetsialist (Maintenance specialist)2 Integratsiooni-, juurutus- ja hooldusspetsialist 10 (Specialist for integration, implementation and maintenance) Audiitor (Auditor)2 Süsteemiadministraator (System administrator) 7 Dokumenteerija (Documentator)4 Müügijuht (Sales manager)1 Tarneinsener (Shipment engineer)1 *** 65 ***

Kujundus (Styling, layout) IT (#: ?) Projektijuhtimine (Project manager) CS/IT ei tea (not clear)?? Juhtimine (Manager) CS/IT ei tea (not clear)?? Tipparendaja (Top developer) CS (#: ?) Veel märgiti (Mentioned also):

ACM Curricula Recommendations Computer Science volume Final Report (December 15, 2001) – 66 – Information Technology Volume (October 2005) – 6 – CS baccalaureate program aim to provide their graduates with the skills and knowledge representing the minimum level: Demonstrate a requisite understanding of the main body of knowledge and theories of computer science. Understand and apply essential concepts, principles, and practices in the context of well-defined scenarios, showing judgment in the selection and application of tools and techniques. Produce work involving problem identification, analysis, design, and development of a software system, along with appropriate documentation. The work must show some problem-solving and evaluation skills drawing on some supporting evidence and demonstrate a requisite understanding of and appreciation for quality. Demonstrate the ability to work as an individual under guidance and as a team member. Identify appropriate practices within a professional, legal, and ethical framework. Appreciate the need for continuing professional development. Discuss applications based upon the body of knowledge. Excerpts APPENDIX

IT baccalaureate program aims to provide their graduates with the skills and knowledge to take on appropriate professional positions in Information Technology upon graduation and grow into leadership positions or pursue research or graduate studies in the field. Fundamental to Information Technology is the integration of different technologies and the integration of technologies into organizations. An IT graduate must therefore acquire a skill set that enables him or her to successfully perform integrative tasks, including the ability to: (a)Use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core information technologies; (b) Analyze, identify and define the requirements that must be satisfied to address problems or opportunities faced by organizations or individuals; (c) Design effective and usable IT-based solutions and integrate them into the user environment; (d) Assist in the creation of an effective project plan; (e) Identify and evaluate current and emerging technologies and assess their applicability to address the users’ needs; (f) Analyze the impact of technology on individuals, organizations and society, including ethical, legal and policy issues; (g) Demonstrate an understanding of best practices and standards and their application; (h) Demonstrate independent critical thinking and problem solving skills; (i)Collaborate in teams to accomplish a common goal by integrating personal initiative (ii)and group cooperation; (j) Communicate effectively and efficiently with clients, users and peers both verbally and in writing, using appropriate terminology; (k) Recognize the need for continued learning throughout their career.