Application Training — Letters and Reports
Welcome Introduction Slide 2 Tell us… Your name Your department or area of work Number of years you have completed with the India Post Two or three core job-related tasks that you perform everyday Tools and applications that you use to perform your job-related tasks Your expectations from this course
Application Training — Letters and Reports Before We Begin… May we request you to turn off the volume on cell phones. May we request you to keep to the training timelines. May we request you to refrain from side discussions. May we request you to ask questions freely. Slide 3
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 4 Module Agenda Module Break-upDuration (minutes) Lesson 1: Introduction to Letters and Reports10 Lesson 2: Letters and Reports – Formats10 Lesson 3: Getting Started with PMACS ® 15 Lesson 4: Processing Letters20 Lesson 5: Processing Reports20 Total75
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 5 Prerequisites Learners should be familiar with: Basic concepts and terminology associated with Postal/Rural Life Insurance Basic knowledge of working with computers Basic knowledge of navigating through application interfaces
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 6 Module Objectives This module deals with processing standard letters and reports in the system. It includes the activities performed by various roles at India Post to generate a standard letter or a report. After completing this course, you will be able to: Identify the standard information displayed on a letter and a report. Process standard letters available in the system. Process standard reports available in the system.
Application Training — Letters and Reports INTRODUCTION TO LETTERS AND REPORTS LESSON 1
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 8 Overview and Objectives Letters and reports are an important part of the system that India Post users will use to perform their day-to-day activities. This lesson will introduce you to the various letters and reports that are used by India Post users. After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Describe the conditions when letters are sent to Agents. List the important letters related to your area of work. Describe the pattern of report generation. List the important reports related to your area of work. Introduction to Letters and Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 9 Letters and Reports: An Overview Introduction to Letters and Reports Letters and Reports are generated for Agents, Agent Management and Compensation. Letters and Reports are available in the system in pre-defined formats. Letters and Reports available in the system are event specific.
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 10 Letters for Agents Letters are generated on the occurrence of an event that requires certain information to be sent to an Agent. A hard copy of the report is sent to the communication address of the Agent. Introduction to Letters and Reports A letter, once generated, is sent to an Agent by default. India Post users can reprint a letter if an Agent requests for it or reports non-receipt of the letter.
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 11 Letters Available in the System: Examples Introduction to Letters and Reports Serial Number Letter TitleTrigger Condition 1Agent Welcome Letter This letter is sent to an Agent just after the recruitment, informing the Agent of various particulars. For example, Agent Number, Effective Date, Agent Portal ID and password and Sales Support team Contact Number. 2Agent Appointment Letter This letter is sent to an Agent via the system when the Agent is appointed. This letter also informs the Agent of the following details: Agent Number Date of Birth PAN Number details Managing Agent Name 3License Allotment Letter This letter is generated and sent to an Agent after license details are updated on the Agent’s profile. This letter will include details such as License Number, License Issue Date and License Renewal Date of the Agent. 4License Suspension Letter This letter is generated when the license of an Agent has not been renewed and the license has been moved to the suspended status. 5Rejection Letter This letter is generated when the application for a candidate to be an Agent is rejected. 6Documents Pending Letter This letter is generated when after profile creation, the status is moved to the Pending with the reason as Documents awaited or Discrepancy found. 7Agent Termination Letter This letter is generated whenever an Agent profile is terminated.
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 12 Report Generation: Pattern India Post users will generate various reports that can be classified under the following two types based on their pattern of generation: Introduction to Letters and Reports These are reports that are automatically generated daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. Periodic Reports These are manual reports and are generated as and when required. Adhoc Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 13 Reports Available in the System: Examples Introduction to Letters and Reports Serial Number Report Category Report TitleFrequency 1Commission Disbursement ReportAdhoc 2LicenseAgents Licensed ReportAdhoc 3LicenseLicense Renewal Follow-up Report Adhoc 4ProducerAgent Termination ReportAdhoc 5ProducerPerformance ReportAdhoc 6CommissionIncentive ReportAdhoc 7CommissionPremium ReportAdhoc 8CommissionCommission StatementAdhoc 9ProducerProfitability ReportAdhoc
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 14 Lesson Summary You have reached the end of the lesson. You should now be able to: Describe the conditions when letters are sent to Agents. List the important letters related to your area of work. Describe the pattern of report generation. List the important reports related to your area of work. Introduction to Letters and Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports LETTERS AND REPORTS – FORMATS LESSON 2
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 16 Overview and Objectives Letters and Reports that are used at India Post have standard formats. This lesson deals with the standard information that is displayed in a letter and a report. After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Identify the standard information displayed in a letter. Identify the standard information displayed in a report. Letters and Reports - Formats
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 17 Use the application to do the following actions: Adding a header in a letter Adding a footer in a letter Adding a date in a letter Adding a amount in a letter Adding a closing paragraph in a letter Applying font style in a letter Demonstration: Standard Information in Letters Letters and Reports - Formats
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 18 Use the application to do the following actions: Adding a Company name in a report Adding a header in a report Adding a footer in a report Demonstration: Standard Information in Reports Letters and Reports - Formats
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 19 Lesson Summary You have reached the end of the lesson. You should now be able to: Identify the standard information displayed in a letter. Identify the standard information displayed in a report. Letters and Reports - Formats
Application Training — Letters and Reports GETTING STARTED WITH LETTERS AND REPORTS LESSON 3
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 21 Overview and Objectives Letters and Reports can be processed from all India Post Offices. This lesson will provide information on how to log in to the application and will explain the screen elements that users will use frequently. After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Log In to the application. Describe the screen elements of the application. Getting Started with Letters and Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 22 Perform the following steps for logging in: Step 1: Enter the user name. Step 2: Enter the password. Step 3: Click the Sign In button. Logging in to the Application Getting Started with Letters and Reports User Name Password Sign In
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 23 Getting Stated with Letters and Reports PMACS ® Home Page As you log in to the PMACS ® (Producer Management and Compensation System) application, the first screen that is displayed is the PMACS ® Home Page.
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 24 Getting Started with Letters and Reports Common User Interface Elements
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 25 Getting Started with Letters and Reports Icons Used in the Training Material Screenshot Glossary Notes Critical Information Error Messages Zoom Process Reports Letters
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 26 Use the application to do the following actions: Viewing the Menu and Sub Menu Viewing other screen elements Demonstration: Interface Elements Getting Started Letters and Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 27 Lesson Summary You have reached the end of the lesson. You should now be able to: Log in to the PMACS ® application. Describe the screen elements of the application. Getting Started with Letters and Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports PROCESSING LETTERS LESSON 4
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 29 Overview and Objectives Letters for a policy are generated automatically on the occurrence of a letter generating event such as appointment of an Agent, allotment of a license or suspension of a license. This lesson explains how to process a letter in the system. After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Process standard letters available in the system. Processing Letters
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 30 Use the application to do the following actions: Accessing the Agent Home Page Searching the Agent Profile Downloading the letter Demonstration: Processing Letters in the System Processing Letters
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 31 Print a License Allotment Letter for Mr. XYZ using the following details: License Number: License Issue date: 13/05/2010 License Renewal Date: 3/05/2013 Practice Activity: Processing Letters Processing Letters
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 32 Lesson Summary You have reached the end of the lesson. You should now be able to: Process standard a letters available in the system. Processing Letters
Application Training — Letters and Reports PROCESSING REPORTS LESSON 5
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 34 Overview and Objectives This lesson explains the process of generating manual reports in the system. After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Describe the different types of reports. Process manual reports in the system. Processing Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 35 Types of Reports Processing Reports Batch Reports These reports are periodic and are generated automatically when the scheduled batch runs Once the System Administrator sets the required report in the batch, the report will be automatically generated on the scheduled time. Manual Reports These are adhoc reports and are generated when a user provides inputs for certain fields in the Reports page of the application. India Post users can generate, download, save and print manual reports. Users can generate the following two types of reports:
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 36 Processing Manual Reports in the System Processing manual reports in the system involves the following two steps: Processing Reports Step 1 Provide report parameters. Step 2 Generate the report.
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 37 Use the application to do the following actions: Providing report parameters Generating the report Demonstration: Processing Manual Reports in the System Processing Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 38 Generate a Disbursement Report by using the following details: Report Format: PDF Report View Option: Share Across Role Start Date: 01/01/2010 End Date: 01/01/2011 Processing Unit: India Post Practice Activity: Processing Reports Processing Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 39 Lesson Summary You have reached the end of the lesson. You should now be able to: Process manual reports in the system. Processing Reports
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 40 Check Your Understanding 1. What is the standard information included in a letter? 2. Explain the difference between a Batch Report and a Manual Report. 3. What is the standard information included in a letter?
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 41 Module Summary You have reached the end of the module. You should now be able to: Name at least one type of letter and one type of report that is relevant to your area of work. Identify the standard information displayed on a standard letter and a standard report. Process standard letters available in the system. Process standard reports available in the system.
Application Training — Letters and Reports Slide 42 Questions