1 Progress of the Controls for BEPCII EPICS Seminar Presented by J. Zhao 20 August, 2002
2 Outline –Progress –System design
3 Part I Progress –What we have done –What ’ s the next
4 What we have done User requirement –Functions –Control accuracy –Operating mode and sequence –Requirement of OPI –Device protection –Tables: Device infor. Channels Name convention of DB
5 What we have done System analysis System design International review meeting May, 2002 SLAC Comments: pay attention to The modeling applications Developing the I/O drivers for special devices Timing system
6 What we have done Installed hardware platform A SUN Ultra10 Workstation A PPC750 IOC: MVME2431 Built EPICS environment EPICS base and extensions
7 What we have done Practice and evaluation DB configuration DM2K, MEDM StripTool Gnuplot Developed a Linux IOC on PC PCI & ISA device driver on Linux Platform VME I/O driver on vxWorks
8 The next step Build complete prototype system Order hardware interface VME-CANbus, VME-CAMAC VME-RS-485,232, VME I/O modules PSC-PSI Order CapFast Order Oracle To solve the key technologies
9 The next step Selecting a Lab. from which the modeling applications will be transferred It might be KEKB or others Creating an EPICS platform for IHEP users to learn EPICS
10 Part II System design –Introduction –System architecture –System development –Subsystems –Interlock system –Oracle DB –Timing system
11 1. Introduction BEPCII – Injector Linac – Two transport lines – Two storage rings System data of BEPCII –1700 devices (800 at BEPC) –About 9500 channels (4,500 at BEPC) should be a stable and practical system
12 Function of the system Controlling and monitoring equipments in central and local control room Providing accelerator commissioning tools with a friendly man-machine interface Timing system to synchronize the accelerator equipment Storing raw data and information in DB for later analyses
13 System Components Computer control system –Host and front-end computers –Network links –Device interfaces –Operator console –Database service Timing system –Synchronizing the accelerator equipment for beam injection, storage and collision Safety interlock system –equipment protect and personnel safety system
14 Number of device and channels DeviceNum.AIAODIDOWFotherSum Power supply Vacuum Injection kicker Radio frequency Beam diagnostic Injector Linac Summary
15 The current system BEPC control system – Transferred from SLAC New Spear system in 1987 – Upgraded in 1994 A VAX4500 machine with CAMAC system controls PC based subsystem VAX 4500 WS console Ethernet PS, Vacuum, RF Injection Beam diagnostic Injector CAMAC system
16 Upgrade plan New equipment have to be controlled –BEPCII has double ring, the number of device will be increased –Super-conducting RF cavities and magnets –New magnet power supplies and vacuum devices Upgrading software structure with EPICS –The software structure of BEPC can not support BEPCII –Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System Modifying timing system –RF frequency will be changed from 200MHz to 499.8MHz
17 Design Philosophy Adopting distributed architecture Keeping the existing equipment in use –CAMAC modules –PCs Applying standard hardware interfaces –VME, Feildbuses, PLCs etc. Cost-performance should be considered
18 2. System Architecture Distributed architecture –Presentation layer –Process control layer –Device interface layer
19 Presentation layer SUN Unix WS and PCs used as operator console SUN or HP Server –Database service –Computing resources
20 Process Control layer Seven subsystems: – Power Supply system, –RF, Vacuum, Beam diagnostic, –injection PS and Linac controls Front-end computers (IOC) –VME Power PC (MVME2431) –PCs Real-time O.S. VxWorks IOC database in physical memory
21 Device Interface Layer Provide interfaces to the hardware Hardware standards –VME, CAMAC I/O modules –Allen-Bradley PLCs –FB remote I/O controller (made in China) –PSC-PSI Field-buses serve data communication
22 Data Communication The standard 100Mb Ethernet serves data communication in the high level The fieldbuses make data exchange in the low level ControlNet CANbus RS-485, RS232
23 Hardware structure PCs Vacuum Linac VME IOC CAMAC Ethernet console PS of TL RF devices PS of SR Beam Feedback VME IOC GPIB Waveform Field bus
24 3. System development Software engineering system development stages Asking for user requirement System design coding and testing Installation
25 Development tool EPICS Developing BEPCII control system by EPICS –OPI (operator interface) UNIX WS or PCs/Linux with tools DM2K, ALH, Channel archiver, GDCT/Capfast, Knob manager SNL languige –CA (channel access)/CDEV C/C++, Labview, tcl/tk, –IOC (input/output controller) VME CPU board or PCs VxWorks real-time database device drivers
26 System development plan Creating EPICS Prototype Installing hardware platform Software development –Installing EPICS base and extensions –Creating EPICS IOC database –Developing operator consoles applications for device control –Accelerator commissioning programs Transferred from KEKB or other Lab. –Creating Oracle database service Upgrade of timing system
27 4. Subsystems Power supply Vacuum RF control Linac control
28 Power Supply Control PS on SR: about 350 new –10 VME IOCs are located in the local area –ADC/DAC unit is inside the power supply to make settings and readings PS on TL: 53 old –Connecting CAMAC system to VME IOC with VME-CAMAC interface –Or VME I/O modules depends on the budget and man-power
29 Power Supply Control Monitor current, status (on/off, local/remote, normal/alarm) Control on/off Settings Ramp, Directly, Synchronized, Table ramp Standardization knobs Interlock temperature of a magnet with its power supply
30 Vacuum Control Two VME IOC Connecting intelligent device to VME IOC by RS-485 and RS-232 Vacuum interlock system consists of –Allen-Bradley PLC (ControlLogix5555 and AB-1756 I/O) –ControlNet (SST-5136CN-VME or Ethernet)
31 Vacuum Control Monitor Vacuum pressure Temperature of vacuum chamber Current, voltage of pump Status (on/off, normal/alarm) Interlock vacuum pressure with section valves
32 RF control VME IOC MVNE2431 VME I/O modules Oscilloscope - GPIB- PC for collecting waveform signal EPICS PCAS on the PC RF interlock system including cryogenic system consists of AB-PLC and ControlNet
33 RF control Monitor volts, power, phase, tuning, temperature and vacuum pressure, status of water, gas and cryo. System information Control on/off RF power source setting volts adjusting tuning system adjust RF phase continuously degree Interlock vacuum, Temp., Cryogenic system with RF devices
34 Linac Control Functions Power supply control (Upgrade,new PS) Klystron&modulator control (Upgrade) –Interlocking vacuum pressure of outside/inside windows of klystron with modulator HV –Measuring RF phase and amplitude of output envelop Phase-shift control (rebuild) –Adjusting/monitoring the stroke of electromotor of phase-shift and attenuators Vacuum control (Upgrade,60 new pump)
35 Linac Control Functions Electron gun control (new) –Monitoring current, vacuum pressure –Adjusting current and choose operation mode e+ target control (rebuild) Display beam parameters (Part task) Beam optics and orbit correction system (Part task) –Measuring parameters of RF power source, power supplies, and BPM etc. –Making feed back control for Q&corrector PS
36 Linac Control Current system Front-end: PC WIN98 Field bus: CANbus Device controller: FB remote I/O modules RS232-CANbus CANbus / RS422 PC-P3 550 WIN98 Remote I/O Device
37 Linac control VME IOC in Linac control room to replace the PCs FB series remote I/O controller for device control CAN bus serves data communication Oscilloscope and PC for waveform signal collection (EPICS/PCAS)
38 5. Interlock system Layers of the interlock system
39 5. Interlock system Functions of central interlock system –Making interlock between systems –Treating emergency accident –Displaying alarm summary in central control room –Publish alarm information to corresponding area
40 5. Interlock system Flow chart of interlock system
41 6. Database Two databases –IOC real-time database to store real-time data –Oracle database to store a lot of information Information in database –Static parameters Machine parameters Device data Configuration parameters of control system –Dynamic parameters Device status Alarm data Beam parameters –Management information Project management Technical files Personal information
42 6. Database Name convention –Domain name RI Storage ring (inner ring) RO Storage ring (outer ring) TL Transport line L Injector Linac –Sub-domain PS, VC, RF, MK, K, B etc. –Device name B,Q,S, Pump etc. –Signal type AI, AO, DI, DO, CALC etc. –Description string
43 6. Database Relation between IOC database and Oracle
44 7. Timing System Functions –Synchronize the equipment of the accelerator the electron gun, klystron, modulators and the injection kickers -- the bunch -- injected into -- bucket –Provide reference time for beam diagnostic system and other system The timing system has to be upgraded –RF frequency will be changed from 200MHz to 499.8MHz –There are two revolution frequency for collision mode (1.264MHz) Synchrotron radiation mode ( 1.242MHz) Send people to go to KEKB learning timing system and order the hardware modules from Japan
45 8. key technologies key technologies –Creating system architecture with the EPICS –merging existing system to the EPICS –Developing front-end applications –Transferring modeling Applications Build a prototype to study the key technologies Making international and domestic cooperation
46 9. Man power The Man Power –Total 15 persons for 4 years Project manager 1 Hardware engineer4 Software engineer 10 –The computer and EPICS system manager –EPICS database manager –VxWorks expert with Front-end I/O –Programmers for applications (PS,RF,Vacuum,Linac … ) –Oracle Database manager –Network manager
CPM plan R&D 8 month Detailed design 4 month System development 28 month Installation & testing 8 month Total 4 years
48 Summary Progress System design Thank you!