L ISA G AMBLE 2 nd Grade
M NEMONIC S TRATEGIES Mnemonics are strategies for improving memorization They can be categorized into three groups: Organization Visualization or mental imagery Rehearsal
C ATEGORIZATION WITH PLACE VALUE 3,7 2 5 Let students use a place value chart to help differentiate the values of the numbers
V ISUALIZATION AND K EY W ORD M ETHOD Teach students to break the double or triple digit math problem into place values. They will need help with this strategy the first several times they use it. But once they master it they are very successful.
G ENERAL M EMORY This chant was found at: place.htm place.htm When introducing the thousands place this is a great rap! Every place has a value A value in each place Start with the ones and move left LET’S RACE! Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands 1’s 10’s 100’s 1,000’s Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands 1’s 10’s 100’s 1,000’s Every place has a value
V ISUALIZATION FOR S PACE Before teaching students the planets order it is good to give them a visualization, this way when discussions about the planets take place the students will remember the picture. This is also a great way to let them see the size difference in the planets and the sun!
O RGANIZATION FOR S PACE I was taught this letter acronym when I was in elementary school. It is great for memorizing the order of the planets! You will be amazed how long the students will remember it, I am going on 15 years!
G ENERAL M EMORY S TRATEGY I Introducing a song or a chant can be very helpful in memorization. Try to incorporate some key vocabulary in this strategy to help with vocab. knowledge! This next song that I made up is to the tune of the “ABC’s”. There’s nine planets don’t you know We can name them here we go First there Mercury, then there’s Venus Next there’s Earth and Mars We also have Jupiter That is followed by Saturn And way out there is Uranus We can’t forget there are two more Neptune and Pluto, they must be cold And those are all our planets They rotate around our Sun!
V ISUALIZATION S TRATEGY FOR K EY W ORD L ANDMARK Provide examples to show the vocabulary word so that students are able to have a visualization that goes along with the word. Mount Rushmore Lincoln Memorial Washington Monument
O RGANIZATIONAL S TRATEGY Give students interesting ways to remember key vocabulary and some items that may go with that vocabulary word.
O RGANIZATIONAL S TRATEGY FOR L ANDMARKS Landmark Use bubble maps to to tell about the important facts for the vocabulary word. historic national Tells a story has impact