Driving Your CLABSI Rate to Zero Presented by: Jordan Duval-Arnould, MPH July 20, 2010 Using the CLABSI Opportunity Estimator to Educate, Engage, and Evaluate
Overview The Opportunity Estimator (O/E) Integrating O/E into CUSP activities Science of safety Educate your staff Senior executive partnership Engage senior leaders Tools to improve Evaluate performance O/E in action Discussion/questions
The Opportunity Estimator What is it? How does it work? Where is it?
The Opportunity Estimator What is it? Alt text Image of CLABSI Opportunity Estimator
The Opportunity Estimator What is it? Alt text Diagram of Opportunity Estimator Conceptual Framework and case Example
The Opportunity Estimator How does it work? Alt text Sample of CLABSI Opportunity Estimator References
The Opportunity Estimator How does it work? Alt text Sample of how the CLABSI Opportunity Estimator works
The Opportunity Estimator Where is it? http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/quality_safety_research_group/our_projects/stop_bsi/toolkits_resources/clabsi_estimator.html
Integrating Into CUSP Activities Science of safety & O/E to educate staff Building CUSP teams or new hire/staff transfer O/E before watching video O/E after watching video
Integrating Into CUSP Activities Senior executive partnership & O/E to engage leadership Conversation starter Alt text 1 Diagram of CUSP#3 Senior Executives General Director & CE) Chief Medical Officer Medical Staff Organization Chief Quality Officer -Accrediation -Credential & Privilidge Review -Office of Clinical Practice Evaluation -Patient Relations -Quality Assurance -Safety Chief Operating Officer -Hospital Program -Patient & Clinical Support Services Chief Financial Officer -Revenue & Reimbursement -Medical Records -Financial Reporting -Patient Access Services Chief Nursing Officer & Associate Vice President -Nursing Practice -Respiratory Care
Integrating Into CUSP Activities Senior executive partnership & O/E to engage leadership Building a business case Infections = Lives= Money = Beds = Missed Opportunities = …
Integrating Into CUSP Activities Tools to improve & O/E to evaluate performance Incorporated into monthly CUSP meetings Discuss past performance Discuss goals for current performance Discuss goals for future performance
Integrating Into CUSP Activities Past performance Did performance improve? Why? Did performance worsen? Why?
Integrating Into CUSP Activities When discussing current performance, ask What can we shoot for next month? What does this mean in tangible terms -- “I think we can save 10 lives in the next months.”
O/E in Action These data are the infections and central-line days for the baseline period for the collaborative of those that have submitted 220 preventable deaths 95 million dollars needlessly spent 14,312 additional days in the hospital