Technology Professional Development Karin Horn Instructional Technology ESC Region XI
Goal: Effective Use “Unfortunately, installing expensive equipment isn’t enough.” Jamie McKenzie Jamie McKenzie Teachers must use the technology effectively to improve student learning
Goal: Innovative New Models “The major focus of educational technology implementation has been automating marginally effective models of presentational teaching rather than innovating via new models of learning through doing.” Chris Dede Harvard Graduate School of Education Chris Dede
For students to be technology proficient, TEACHERS must be proficient. Staff Development should lead to proficiency. SBEC Standards for TA Goal: Proficiency
Technology Staff Development Ongoing Sustained Diversified Face-to-face Online Online Mentoring Addresses the SBEC Standards
Standard I All teachers use technology-related terms, concepts, data input strategies, and ethical practices to make informed decisions about current technologies and their applications.
Standard II All teachers identify task requirements, apply search strategies, and use current technology to efficiently acquire, analyze and evaluate a variety of electronic information.
Standard III All teachers use task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and modify solutions, and evaluate results in a way that supports the work of individuals and groups in problem-solving situations.
Standard IV All teachers communicate information in different formats for diverse audiences.
Standard V All teachers know how to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction for all students that incorporates the effective use of current technology for teaching and integration the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) into the curriculum.
Self Assessment Look at Texas Teacher STaR ChartTexas Teacher STaR Chart Key Area 1: Teaching and Learning Read TL 1, Patterns of Classroom Use
Activity What is your level? Early Tech Developing Tech Advanced Tech Target Tech
Campus STaR Chart Look at the Texas Campus STaR ChartTexas Campus STaR Chart Key Area II: Educator Preparation & Development EP address Staff Development Read EP 3, Capabilities of Educators
Activity At what level is your campus: A. Early Tech B. Developing Tech C. Advanced Tech D. Target Tech
Texas Teacher Technology Competencies Certification (TTCC)TTCC Third-party performance-based assessment program Based on and correlated with state and national standards: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) SBEC Tech Apps TEKS Texas STaR Chart TWT Online preparation workshops
Questions? Contact Karin Horn