2. AIMS OF THE PROJECT To find relavant pieces of art work that demonstrate our own culture, work with those in many different ways and share those outcomes with our European Community team. To get to know other cultures by working with art. Teachers of subjects such as Art & Crafts, Physical Education, Music, History and Geography, English and ICT will be strongly encouraged to work together as a team for the benefit of the children and the success of the project. To increase children's knowledge of local and European artwork (visual art, music, dance, etc.). To promote pupils' progressive knowledge, respect and admiration towards their European neighbours. To learn from our local or national artists the required inspiration and guidance to love art productions from all perspectives. To encourage children from our schools to co-operate and communicate with each other. To do that, we will work on skills such as: written and oral comprehension and expression in own and foreign language (English) and use of ICT resources. To ensure schools will design an cross-curricular project based on art and put it into practice in every setting respecting schools' potential and conditions (CLIL). To ensure everybody's art preferences and abilities are respected and that everybody is encouraged to be fully involved in this project.
3. SPECIFIC SKILLS To familiarise ourselves with local or national artwork and work with it in many creative and innovative ways (such as exhibitions, performances, student presentations, art workshops, CLIL in Art and Crafts, ICT presentations, etc), working with the wider community (including: students families, local volunteers, senior citizens, etc.), introducing our project partners to our local or national art projects to learn about different cultures by working on each others artworks. Integrate the work done in this project in our daily schoolwork, always bearing in mind the idea of providing children with motivation and new experiences in their learning, to ensure schools and kindergardens take part in the project, in ways that are appropriate to the age of the children, mixing children of different ages and helping them to co-operate with each other to fulfil the project's goals.
4. EVALUATION INITIAL EVALUATION: The questions that we asked ourselves and our pupils were: Do the children of different countries know something about art from other countries? Do they know famous artists from the countries integrating the project? Can they compare different art movements (ie romantism, modernism, cubism, etc)? Can they identify different art forms or movements in they own countries? Have the children know about the history, culture and traditions of the countries in EU? Have your school been visited by teachers of the countries of the project? CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: We did all the activities that was planed in the application form. All activities were shared with all the partners using exhibitions at the hall of the different schools; sharing using PPT presentations; sending to the other schools using ordinary post service; sharing information and knowledge by Skype; dissemination information to all the educational communities using local TV, newspapers, radio and internet. You can find further information about the project at our website:
FINAL ASSESSMENT: Finally we asked the same questions to find the diference after the work: Do the children of different countries know something about art from other countries? Do they know famous artists from the countries integrating the project? Can they compare different art movements (ie romantism, modernism, cubism, etc)? Can they identify different art forms or movements in they own countries? Have the children know about the history, culture and traditions of the countries in EU? Have your school been visited by teachers of the countries of the project?
5. EVALUATION CRITERIA Work with local, national and foreign art in many creative and innovative ways to learn about different cultures, improving the knowledge and the feeling of identity to the European Union, specially by improving relations with the other countries.
6. ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS 1. Knows the local and national artwork. 2. Works in many different ways national art: local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… 3. Learns about different cultures by working on each others’ artworks. 4. Works using cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… 5. Reproduce artworks of all project countries. 6. Participates in the project. 7. Works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc…
8. Improves his interest and motivation about art. 9. Increases English skills. 10. Improves his attitude to the European people. 11. Shows the work on the website.
7. ASSESSMENT SITUATIONS ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS ASSESSMENT SITUATIONS ACTIVITIES Knows the local and national artwork. All activities were shared with all the partners using exhibitions at the hall of the different schools; sharing using PPT presentations; sending to the other schools using ordinary post service; All planned at the application form. Works in many different ways national art: local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… All planned at the application form. 3. Learns about different cultures by working on each others’ artworks. All planned at the application form. Works using cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… All planned at the application form. 5. Reproduce artworks of all project countries. All planned at the application form.
ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS ASSESSMENT SITUATIONS ACTIVITIES Participates in the project. All activities were shared with all the partners using exhibitions at the hall of the different schools; sharing using PPT presentations; sending to the other schools using ordinary post service; All planned at the application form.. Works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc… All planned at the application form. Improves his interest and motivation about art. All planned at the application form. Increases English skills. All planned at the application form. Shows the work on the website. All planned at the application form. Improves his attitude to the European people. All planned at the application form.
ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS LEARNING LEVEL 1. Knows the local, national and international artwork. Knows the local, national and international artwork. 5 points Knows the local, national and some international artwork. 4 points Knows the local and national artwork. 3 points Knows the local artworks. 2 points Knows some local artwork. 1 point 2. Works in many different ways national art: local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… Works in many different ways national art: local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… 5 points Works in some different ways national art: local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… 4 points Works in a few ways national art: local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… 3 points Only works with local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… 2 points Knows some local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… 1 point 3. Learns about different cultures by working on each others’ artworks. Learns about different cultures by working on each others’ artworks. 5 points Learns something about different cultures by working on each others’ artworks. 4 points Learns a few different cultures by working on each others’ artworks. 3 points Only learns about own cultures by working on each others’ artworks. 2 points Knows about local culture. 1 point 4. Works using cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… Works using cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… 5 points Works using some cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… 4 points Works using few cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… 3 points Works using only one or two cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… 2 points Works using only one cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… 1 point 5. Reproduce artworks of all project countries. Reproduce artworks of all project countries. 5 points Reproduce some artworks of all project countries. 4 points Reproduce a few artworks of all project countries. 3 points Reproduce one or two artworks of all project countries. 2 points Reproduce only one artworks of all project countries. 1 point 8. RUBRIC
ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS LEARNING LEVEL 6. Participates in the project. Participates completely in the project. 5 points Participates in the major activities of project. 4 points Participates in some activities the project. 3 points Participates in a few activities of the project. 2 points Sometimes collaborate in the project. 1 point 7. Works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc… Works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc… 5 points Often works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc… 4 points Sometimes works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc… 3 points A few times works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc… 2 points At some parts of the project works with restricted scholar community. 1 point 8. Improves his interest and motivation about art. Improves absolutely his interest and motivation about art. 5 points Improves his interest and motivation about art. 4 points Improves partially his interest and motivation about art. 3 points Sometimes shows interest and motivation about art. 2 points Once in a while Improves his interest and motivation about art. 1 point 9. Increases English skills. Widely Increases English skills. 5 points Increases English skills. 4 points Partially increases English skills. 3 points Has Increases some English skills. 2 points A few times shows some English skills. 1 point 10. Improves his attitude to the European people. Improves absolutelly his attitude to the European people 5 points Improves his attitude to the European people 4 points Improves partially his attitude to the European people 3 points Sometimes Improves his attitude to the European people 2 points Once in a while shows a different attitude to the European people 1 point 11. Shows the work on the website. Allways shows the work on the website. 5 points Often shows the work on the website. 4 points Usually shows the work on the website. 3 points Sometimes shows the work on the website. 2 points Few times shows the work on the website. 1 point TOTAL AVALUATION55 points44 points33 points22 points11 points
9. QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONQUANTIFICATIONFINAL AVALUATION * EXCEL.LENT44 to 558,1 to10 GOOD33 to 446,1 to 8 SATISFACTORY22 to 334,1 to 6 NOT SO SATISFACTORY 11 to 222,1 to 4 UNSATISFACTORY0 to 110 to 2 * Every country will use their own scale.
EVALUATION ABOUT CRITERIA FINAL NOTEOBSERVATIONS 1.Knows the local, national and international artwork. 2. Works in many different ways national art: local artists, art galleries, theatres, museums, concert halls etc… 3. Learns about different cultures by working on each others’ artworks. 4. Works using cross curricular ways: art, gym, drama, handicraft, music, history, art etc… 5. Reproduce artworks of all project countries. 6. Participates in the project. 7. Works with wider community: student families, local volunteers, senior citizens, local artists, press etc… 8. Improves his interest and motivation about art. 9. Increases English skills. 10. Improves his attitude to the European people. 11. Shows the work on the website.