Persuasive Techniques in Media By: Ms. Hambleton and Mr. Sebek
Two Main Types… Emotional Techniques – focus on getting you to WANT something. Plays on your emotions, desires, and ideals – buying with your heart Rational Techniques – focus on what you NEED. Plays on rational arguments – buying with your mind Most commercials will use a combination of BOTH techniques.
Emotional Techniques
Purr Words Choosing words that positively influence the audience of an item or issue. Voice and tone are positive Example: Is a hamburger juicy or greasy? Is a government program an investment or a waste? What other examples can you think of?
Repetition Ideas repeated over and over and over and over and over and over again! Can come in form of musical tune (jingle), logo, slogan, or mascot Getting the idea stuck in your head! Examples: McDonald’s “I’m lovin it!” “Eat Mor’ Chikin!” Can you think of other examples?
Humor The use of funny situations, comments or jokes to convince the buyer to purchase the product Makes it memorable GEICO, cell phone commercials, Jack in the Box ads Can you think of any other examples?
Celebrity Endorsement The use of a celebrity to sell a product. The viewer wants to be like the celebrity and thinks that by buying the product, they will be more like him or her. Examples: Milk Ads, Air Jordans, Toby Keith and Ford trucks Can you think of any others?
Expert Testimonials Because someone is an expert, you are willing to believe what they say Examples: Golden Globe winners (movies), doctors recommending certain medications What products are you most likely to buy based on expert testimonial?
Individual Testimonial/Anecdote Anecdote – plain people say it is good, so it must be good Uses REAL people, not actors! Examples: Diet commercials, Church’s Chicken “I know what good is”. What others do you know?
Emotional Appeal An appeal to fear or anger to sway the audience. May also add climax or excitement (negative emotions) Uses images and dramatic situation Examples: Starving children in Africa commercials, Pet adoption commercials What else can you come up with it?
Snob Appeal Plays on the idea of individuality, being better than everyone else Examples: Lexus ads, Gucci, Rolex What other ideas can you come up with?
Bandwagon PEER PRESSURE – everybody wants to do it, so you should too! Peer Pressure can be POSITIVE!! Examples: anti-drug commercials, clothing lines/brands, new show hype Where do you see bandwagon used in advertising?
Word of Mouth “grapevine” talk; gossip Advertising something through talking with friends, etc. Example: gossip magazines, movies, clothing, food What is the latest word on The Jonas Brothers?
Rational Techniques
Factual The use of facts to sell a product or idea Facts cannot be disputed but may not tell the whole story Audience is overwhelmed with information Example: car commercials, anti-drug commercials, medicines
Statistics Statistics—deals with collection, analysis and presentation of masses of numerical data Use of statistics to persuade audience to buy product or idea Use of NUMBERS to sell an item (percentages, ratios, etc.) Sometimes one-sided Example: drug ads, toothpaste ads
Bargaining Creating situations where the viewer feels he must make a decision quickly Attempting to create an impulse buy, creating a “good deal” “But Wait! There’s More!” “Order within the next 10 minutes and…” Examples: Infomercials, CD collections, coupons, sales papers
Group Activity In groups of three: use magazines and/or newspapers to find examples of both EMOTIONAL and RATIONAL techniques Cut out: 3 examples of emotional techniques 2 examples of rational techniques Paste onto chart paper and label the techniques being used.