The NeTS Program Dr. Joseph B. Evans Program Director Computer and Network Systems Computer & Information Science & Engineering National Science Foundation INFOCOM March 2005 Miami, Florida
NeTS Program and Other Programs of Interest
15 March 2005The NeTS Program3 NeTS Elements Currently NSF – expected $40 million Three elements (this time) –Networking Broadly Defined –Focus Area 1: Programmable Wireless Networks –Focus Area 2: Networking of Sensor Systems Includes educational efforts
15 March 2005The NeTS Program4 Cyber Trust Program Broad research areas –Information/Applications –Systems Software –Communication Networks –Fundamentals Education and Workforce Development is a required component of every proposal –For technical specialists and generalists –For the general public Multi-Disciplinary –Spanning technical disciplines –Exploring relations between technical and social, economic, regulatory, legal domains Trustworthiness is a system property –System design may take into account Human behavior Economics Law … as well as technical considerations Includes wireless and sensor network security!Includes wireless and sensor network security!
15 March 2005The NeTS Program5 CISE CRI Program CISE Computing Research Infrastructure (NSF ) replaced –CISE Research Infrastructure –CISE Research Resources –Minority Institutions Infrastructure programs CRI supports proposals –Small (<$300k) with no cost sharing required –Medium ($300k-$800k) with 20% cost sharing required from PhD granting institutions –Large ($800k-$2M) with 30% cost sharing required from PhD granting institutions CRI supports infrastructure not normally fundable under other grants –Infrastructure Acquisition for projects in areas that CISE supports (not necessary to have the research currently funded by CISE) –Community Resource Development from $300k-$2M with no cost sharing required to create a resource for an entire CISE research community Next year's deadlines (but may be moved earlier in the summer) –25 July 2005 for Letters of Intent for Large proposals –22 August 2005 for full proposals
15 March 2005The NeTS Program6 NSF MRI Program Objectives of Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) –Improve the scientific & engineering equipment for research & research training –Improve quality and expand scope of research & research training in science & engineering –Foster the integration of research & education by providing instrumentation for research-intensive learning environments Assists in the acquisition or development of major research instrumentation that is too costly for support through other NSF programs Maintenance & technical support associated with instruments also supported Proposals may be for a single instrument, a large system of instruments, or multiple instruments that share a common research focus Computer systems, clusters of advanced workstations, networks, and other information infrastructure components necessary for research are encouraged Awards for instrumentation range from $100,000 to $2 million Prior program offering information –FY 2004 program size was about $75 million and deadline was 22 January 2004 –Funding rate for the FY 2003 MRI competition was approximately 40% FY 2006 MRI competition has not yet been announced
Status of Programs
15 March 2005The NeTS Program8 NeTS Outcomes – FY 2004 FY04 submissions to NeTS # of proposals# of projects Broad Area ProWiN7762 NOSS Approximately 35% of the Broad Area proposals were on wireless topics Overall, approximately 18.5% of the proposals were successful
15 March 2005The NeTS Program9 NeTS Outcomes – FY 2005 FY05 submissions to NeTS # of proposals# of projects Broad Area ProWiN6351 NOSS Approximately 40% of Broad Area projects submitted are on wireless networking topics
15 March 2005The NeTS Program10 Cyber Trust Outcomes – FY 2004 Co-funding from DARPA ~$5MCAREERs add ~$2M Cyber Trust FY 2004 Competition Statistics Individual and Small Group Team Center-Scale Activity Total # Projects received # Projects awarded Success rate8%10%8%9% # Proposals received # Proposals awarded Success rate9%12%7%10% Total $ Awarded (includes co-funding, excludes CAREERs) $6,483,612$17,309,876$12,600,000$36,393,488
15 March 2005The NeTS Program11 Upcoming Solicitations NeTS – 14 December 2005 Computer Systems – 11 November 2005 Cyber Trust – 6 February 2006 Computing Research Infrastructure – 22 August 2005 Workforce / Broadening Participation – 14 June 2005 NSF Major Research Infrastructure – 26 January 2006
What You Can Do To Help
15 March 2005The NeTS Program13 High Impact From Our Research High impact means more than just good papers it changes practice for the better! It is OK to fund high risk, high reward projects even if some do not succeed It is NOT OK only to fund flawless projects that would predictably lead to incremental results
15 March 2005The NeTS Program14 Help from the Community Send your best ideas to NSF –Consistent with focus & goals of the program –We want high risk / high reward proposals Suggest and encourage good panelists who can do justice to the proposals and our focus Volunteer to be a reviewer and panelist
15 March 2005The NeTS Program15 Contacts & Further Information Joseph Evans Darleen Fisher Guru Parulkar Networking Broadly Defined Networking of Sensor Systems Programmable Wireless Networks
15 March 2005The NeTS Program16 The NeTS Program