Lancelot Du Lac Nicholas Rise /4P November 14, 2007
Sir Lancelot Du Lac Who were his parents? Who was Lancelot? What did he do? History of Lancelot
Lancelot’s parents His father was King Ban. His Mother was Queen Elaine. He was born in Benwick. Legend says he was left on a beach and was adopted by Vivien, the lady of the lake.
Lancelot Du Lac He was originally called Lancelot before he was fostered by Vivien. Lancelot was a great knight. He was a knight for King Arthur. Lancelot was the best knight of his time.
What did he do? He defeated Meliagaunt. He competed in tournaments and won each one. He was part of the knights of the round table. He was the strongest knight of the round table.
History of Lancelot He was the first knight of the round table. He never failed in gentleness. He was willing to serve others. He was always courageous.
A Lancelot Movie
Sources A lishttp:// picture of Lancelot ery/caitiffknight.jpg&imgrefurl= h=532&w=420&sz=53&hl=en&start=2&um=1&tbnid=xeJbGWhpNDfDpM:&tbnh=132& tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlancelot%2527s%2Bparents%26gbv%3D2%26nd sp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN picture of lance’s Mom everything on topic one except for picturehttp:// picture of lancehttp:// info on topic 2http:// topic 3, 4, picture on topic 3
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