Picture Vocab Chapter 14: Europe in the Middle Ages Sections 1 and 2 Only (pgs ) Name: _______________________Pd: ________Date: ___________ Directions: 1.Each of the pictures on the pages that follow matches with ONE of the terms or people on your study guide for this chapter(s). 2.Decide which word matches the picture, then write it on the lines next to the picture. 3.You must also include the page number where the word or name can be found in the chapter in your book. 4.You must also write the definition of the word, or description of the important person. 5.HINT: It is easier to fill out the terms and people on your study guide FIRST, and then use them to match to the picture. This is not required, but recommended.
#2 This is a tapestry painting of a person who is being honored for his service.
#4 This code of a knight was not officially meant to be romantic. But it is also known as “courtly love”, as many knights performed acts of bravery especially to impress a young, beautiful woman.
#5 One of the services of these types of men, was to give blessings or prayers at births, deaths, weddings and other important events.
#7 He was the leader of the Franks in the 800s, and became king after helping to unite many small European kingdoms after the Fall of Rome.
#8 This is typical of a scene from this time period that we’re currently learning about. It took place between 500 and 1500 A.D. These people are working the land at a manor owned by their lord. NOTE: This could be TWO vocab words, please list them BOTH as an answer to this question.
#9 The official name for each of these medieval workers.
#10 This baker is training a man younger than him to do the same type of work. If his young student becomes good enough at his job, he may one day go on to become a journeyman and then eventually maybe belong to a guild.
#11 Take special note of what these men are holding.
#12 These people all did a similar job, so they all belonged to the same one of these…once they become skilled enough at their job. In this picture, they are making and dying cloth.