Gradually, the government's highest levels are becoming acquainted with the limits of observation in the Gulf, Jane Lubchenco, the administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), told reporters yesterday. "The ocean observing system is nowhere as comprehensive as would be [preferred]," she said. "And it would be extraordinarily valuable in this instance to be able to understand in a more dynamic sense, for example, what the Loop Current is doing beneath the surface and what the flows are at different depths. We have a general understanding, but nowhere near what would be useful.” 3 June, New York Times
“Big Picture” - State of Play Drivers What is IOOS Program Focus Deep Water Horizon The Integrated Coastal & Ocean Observing System Act of 2009 Established IOOS Interagency Ocean Observing Committee NOAA Lead Federal Agency Ocean Policy Task Force National Ocean Policy Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Framework 2
“Big Picture” - State of Play Drivers What is IOOS Program Focus Deep Water Horizon 3 An Integrated and Sustained Ocean and Coastal Observing and Prediction System. A collaborative framework. A network of many technologies Contributes to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
“Big Picture” - State of Play Drivers What is IOOS Program Focus Deep Water Horizon 4 Observations –National surface current mapping (HFR) technical steering team –Nation-wide USCG Search & Rescue support –Sensor validation/verification (ACT) –National Asset Inventory Data Management & Communications –Biological Project (Fisheries Management) –Continued progress on Coastal Inundation –IOOS Data Catalog –OOI and NWQM partnerships –Relationship with NOAA’s Climate Service
“Big Picture” - State of Play Drivers What is IOOS Program Focus Deep Water Horizon 5 Modeling and Analysis –Modeling testbed initiative Communications/Outreach –Capitol Hill events –Scarlet Knight (Heritage Week, Smithsonian) –Branding Regional Engagement –Outcome Metrics –Annual Workshop IOOS Competitive Funding and Award Process –FY 2011 funding opportunity
“Big Picture” - State of Play Drivers What is IOOS Program Focus Deep Water Horizon 6
“Big Picture” - State of Play Drivers What is IOOS Program Focus Deep Water Horizon 7 HFR – 6 Gliders up to 9 Models – USF, SBSON, TAMU Imagery - RSMAS
US IOOS – A National Endeavor IOOS is a comprehensive system and the regions are key partners that need to support both regional and national needs Integration of data is critical, –This must remain a focus of IOOS IOOS is positioned to be an integral part of the Administration’s priorities 8