ART A visual statement that communicates an idea, expresses a feeling, or presents and interesting design.
To become aware through the senses of the special nature of objects PERCEIVE To become aware through the senses of the special nature of objects
ARTIST People who use imagination, creativity & skill to communicate ideas in visual form
FINE ART Art valued for its visual appeal or success in communicating ideas or feelings.
APPLIED ART Art that is made to be functional as well as visually pleasing
PORTFOLIO A carefully selected collection of artwork kept by students and professional artists.
COLLAGE An artwork made up of cut or torn materials pasted to a surface
The image that viewers can easily identify in an artwork SUBJECT The image that viewers can easily identify in an artwork
An artwork that has no recognizable subject matter NONOBJECTIVE An artwork that has no recognizable subject matter
CONTENT The message, feeling, or idea an artwork communicates
First Vocabulary Test: ART - CONTENT TESTING DATE: To Be Announced
CREDIT LINE A listing of important facts about an artwork: Artist’s name. Title. Year. Materials Used. Size. Location