AP STUDIO ART Through Theatre
Why Take AP? College credit if you score high enough (3) College level work on your transcript no matter what you score Challenge yourself Have your work evaluated by professional artists Bring validity to your work
What is the exam like? No sit down test Done before AP or DE exams begin = less stress Portfolio based with three sections 1. Quality: 5 of your best works 2. Concentration: Sustained investigation (8-10 pieces) 3. Breadth: 8 works showing you tried a range of approaches At most 23 pieces, but most portfolios will be far less because the same piece can go into multiple sections You may use artwork that you have done in the past Cannot be collaborative work
2D or 3D? McNulty would prefer and encourage you to all 3D, but students must choose one or the other and the entire portfolio must be only that. 2D = quilts, fasion/costume drawings, drawings of hair/makeup, paintings, set/architecture drawings, wall art, general makeup, photography,… 3D = costumes, sets, furniture, performance art, jewelry, prosthetic and moulage makeup, hair styles, sculpture, puppets, props, 3D computer designs (sketchup/autocad), installations, reclaimed object sculpture, …
How will with work with tech theatre class? Mainly individual projects More quick timeline projects that are less involved Focus on shows based on your role in those shows Balancing and budgeting your time As always, assisting others with learning & growing, so that they can do what you don’t have time to do
Example assignments: Performance art pieces Costume construction Character jewelry construction Furniture/Prop construction Mask, puppet, or other character creature construction Found object sculptures ALL will focus on deep character, play, or world themes
Who can do it? ANYONE who has had at least one level of a technical theatre course And/or anyone who has had multiple performance courses (will likely work towards a performance art portfolio)
What does it take to pass? Complete and strong work Many pieces to choose from Good organization A need to share your art Personal voice as an artist and the vulnerability to share it
You have to have a passion for your art
Examples McNulty started a Pinterest with TONS of ideas and examples! Join Pinterest and look at it! And here are some more, with a score if we know it…
Raw scores are 1-6 based on a rubric Then compressed to 1-5 final AP score