Chapter 9 Section 4 Learning, Literature, and Arts Michelle Spencer Group 4
Education in the Middle Ages education became a crucial aspect in the 1100s The first universities developed in order to educate clergy and set standards for their training Students would go to different universities to study different majors The universities had to use rented rooms or choir lofts During class they had to memorize Latin text Women’s education was limited so they could not hold prestigious jobs
Europeans Acquire “New” Learning The works of Aristotle and Christians clashed Christians developed scholasticism to try and end the feud Later philosophers influenced Thomas Aquinas to write the Summa Theologica His writings proved that faith and reason live in harmony Science learning, however, did not make much progress in the Middle Ages
Medieval Literature Song Of Roland- courage of a knight of Charlemagne Poem of the Cid- a Christian lord who battled Muslims in Spain Divine Comedy (Dante Alighieri)- a play about heaven and hell; it mainly describes to the guidelines of a life as a Christian Cantebury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)- he painted a picture of various characters in this work and tells a story of different genres of people in the Middle Ages
Architecture and Art Gothic Architecture began due to riches from trade and commerceGothic Architecture began due to riches from trade and commerce The churches had thick walls and no windows for enough support to hold heavy roofs so they were dark and gloomyThe churches had thick walls and no windows for enough support to hold heavy roofs so they were dark and gloomy To make windows possible, flying buttresses were made to support the roofTo make windows possible, flying buttresses were made to support the roof Now, workers could make stain glass windows and sculptors to decorate the churchNow, workers could make stain glass windows and sculptors to decorate the church Illiterate people learned from the stories told by these works of artIlliterate people learned from the stories told by these works of art Monks, nuns, and skilled artisans illuminated books from the examples of Gothic style with bright colors and ornate detailMonks, nuns, and skilled artisans illuminated books from the examples of Gothic style with bright colors and ornate detail