Defining client requirements P ROJECT 4 STEPS -- A DVERTISEMENT
I NTRODUCE STUDENTS TO GOALS OF THE PROJECT : To work with a client to produce an advertisement. To review and revise per client’s specifications. To create print versions of advertisements.
L OOK AT A DVERTISEMENTS Share examples of print and web advertisements and discuss the design principles and techniques used in the following areas: Layout Colors and graphics Typography Tone
P ROJECT 4 Introduce the project, have students share information about the client organizations, such as the following: Name of organization Its mission and goals Product or service provided by the organization and explanation of how it works Background and history Why the organization wants an advertising team
P ROJECT P HASES Discuss the project phases and ask students to organize the planning of their tasks within the project phases. Define Design Build Print delivery
C LIENT I NTERVIEW In preparation for the client interview, read over the kind of information designers need from a client about the client’s goals and target audience. Worksheet: Client interview: Advertisement Have students interview their client, take notes, and gather information they identified as needed when prepping for the interview.
I NTERVIEW After the interview, have students review any advertisements recommended by the client. Encourage students to brainstorm design ideas as they review advertisements.
P LAN As students plan their advertisements, allow them to do the following: Sketch layout ideas Take photographs of relevant products, people in action, or other services related to the advertisement Identify any needed assets
3 C ONCEPT I DEAS Instruct each student to create three concept ideas for the advertisement using relevant photographs and assets. Instruct each student to meet with the client to explain their designs. During the presentation, make sure students take notes to gather all comments.
R EVIEW AND R EVISE Instruct students to review and revise their advertisements according to client feedback. Instruct them to resubmit one or two comps (depending on the clients’ wishes) and continue this cycle until the client approves a single comp. Worksheet: Review and redesign of advertisement
G RAPHIC E LEMENTS Allow students time to create any graphics elements for their advertisement in Photoshop.
W ATERMARK Explain that the first version of the advertisement will have a watermark to identify that it is a working draft for the client and for later use in a focus group. Using the “I do, we do, you do” method, demonstrate how to use opacity and fill to create a watermark in Photoshop and/or InDesign and instruct students to create a watermark on their graphics elements. ©2012 Mrs. Hartley (alt 0169)
I N D ESIGN Using the “I do, we do, you do” method, demonstrate how to work with text and place objects on a page in InDesign. InDesign guide: How to work with text frames InDesign guide: How to combine graphics frames and text frames InDesign guide: How to place images on a page InDesign guide: How to work with graphics frames, how to add a watermark
F INISH A D Instruct students to export elements and assets from Photoshop to InDesign and allow them time to complete their advertisement layout and copy.
F INAL Have designers present the final advertisement to the client, explaining his/her design decisions. Have students write up a paragraph or two explaining their design decisions and what they learned from the assignment.
T URN IN : Rubric Client Interview 3 different design comps(rough draft) (B&W) Final ad with copyright and watermark (B&W) Final ad in color (use Ogilvy ad layout—visual, caption, headline, copy, signature) Paragraph(s) explaining your design decisions and what you learned.
N EW Y ORK C ITY HERE WE COME ! Advertising Capital of the World!!