ComSoc GIMS Presentation at ICC08 May 21, 2008 GIMS Marketing Committee
l Committee Chairperson Jorome (Jerry) T. Gibbon, J&BG Consultants, USA l Denny Moen, Independent Contractor l Tim Weil, Booz Allen Hamilton l Doug Holly, JDSU l June Leach-Barnaby, IEEE Communications Society l Gayle Weisman, IEEE Communications Society l Heather Sweeny, IEEE Communications Society 2
GIMS Marketing Committee l Conference Contractor - Selected l Setup for Success Contractor for ComSoc l Contract in place for GlobeCom 2008 l Exhibit Sales and promotion support l EXPO arrangements support included l Conference support NOT included for ICC (local) l May include Sponsorships with EXPO as required l Drayage Support – l under separate/local agreement for conferences l local conference mgmt committee responsible
GIMS Marketing Committee l Conference Marketing Planning l Universal Plan for support – adopt standards l ComSoc Commitment – Staff person assigned (HS) l Conference Marketing Chairperson – required/conf l Advertising Plan for Conf/EXPO - adopt standards l Local Community Outreach - adopt standards l IEEE Community Outreach - adopt standards l Standards prevent duplicating plans - straw man
l Action Items l Assign tasks to Marketing WG to develop: l Marketing Plan for GC/ICC – standards l Advertising Plan for GC/ICC – standards l EXPO Exhibit Plan GC – standards l Include Options in all plans - standards l Define Products Clearly in plans –standards l Conference Programs – standards l Advance and/or Main Programs – clarification l Patronage Coordination – standards l Establish basic plan of agreements - standards GIMS Marketing Committee
GOOD Marketing Plans can avoid these ISSUES…. The role, and relationship of Expo was unclear The role, purpose and relationship of Expo was unclear Patrons are a critical source of income (10% of GC07) Establishing ground rules and coordinating Expo and Patron programs is key to avoid confusion GIMS Marketing Committee
l Establish Lessons Learned Documents. l Provide tutorials to local conf Org Committee : l Capture contact database l Capture Plans for later reference l Teleconf often to coordinate the plans l Identify Committee structure in Marketing plan GIMS Marketing Committee GOOD Marketing Plans can avoid the ISSUES….and provide continuity for the future.
If the ITPC can do it …so can GMIS
Last Thoughts … the real workers