® Organizational Assessment Rhoda Smolow, Chair Organization Department Anita Levy, Revenue Share Project Manager Lindy Ettin, Associate Director, Unit Services
® Overview: Background Overall Performance of the Country Q & A Table Activity
® Organizational Assessment Background First year of assessment was 2012 Beginning of new funding model of the country that included Revenue share Nationalization of staff Direct rent payments to landlords Purpose was to better support the R/BCs by: Relieving the burden of administrative fundraising Increasing donor funds sent to National Improving our return on investment (ROI) Identifying units in need of assistance/unit revitalization Results of Assessment Unit Profiles Structure for Action Implementation Team Action Items
® Organizational Assessment Data Sources Pledge Maker Goal vs. Actual Report Fundraising Membership Finance EOY Budget vs. Actual Report Leadership, Chapter, Fundraising Health Status Report Presidents Survey
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Breakdown of Expenses
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Sum Total Fundraising 2012 Total Fundraising: $31,705, Total Fundraising: $31,327,115*
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Local Cost to Raise $100
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Local Cost to Service an Adult MemberDonor 2012 Total Adult MemberDonors: 261, Total Adult MemberDonors: 260,430
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Fundraising per MemberDonor 2012 Total Adult MemberDonors: 261, Total Adult MemberDonors: 260,430
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Fundraising Health by Units
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Leadership Health by Units T HE TASK OF LEADERSHIP IS TO SHAPE REALITY, RATHER THAN SUBMIT TO IT. – Steven Bayme, AJC National Director, Contemporary Jewish Life
Organizational Assessment Performance of the Country: Chapter Health by Units
® Q & A That was a lot of numbers and a lot of colors! What questions do you have?
® Table Activity Preparing you for 2015 Annual Planning: Learning to use your personalized Unit Profile to identify strategies to have an impact on your units’ performance Each table will receive a sample unit profile Review the data and see where your sample unit is underperforming Identify strategies to improve the performance of your sample unit Consider Resources Needed (time, money, volunteers, staff, etc) What is the ROI? (SMART Goals) Think about how you would incorporate that into the Annual Plan for the unit
Example This unit President want to focused on improving Major Gifts in her area. While her 2013 Major Gifts total increased over 2012, she knows that they have the potential to do even better. She has come up with the following strategies for her 2015 Annual Plan:
® Strategy to Improve MG Fundraising in 2015 Development Major Gifts Officer to work with Unit President Set up training and ongoing mentoring of volunteer leadership to solicit donations Identify targeted population Organize events for potential donors Specific outcomes Increase Major Gifts Fundraising by $x Engage x number of potential new major donors Hold x number of major giving events ROI Evaluate each strategy as to effectiveness