Warm Up:
More vocabulary 1.Producers – producers in a food chain/web/pyramid 2.Primary consumers – herbivores – eat producers 3.Secondary consumers – carnivores – eat the primary consumers 4.Tertiary consumers – carnivores – eat the secondary consumers
Symbiosis Notes
Word DefinitionPicture 1. Symbiosis A close, long- term relationship between two or more species
Word DefinitionPicture 2. Mutualism A symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit (are helped)
Word DefinitionPicture 3. Commensalism A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is unaffected
Word DefinitionPicture 4. Parasitism A symbiotic relationship where one organism is hurt and the other is helped
Bot fly
March 15 th : take out agenda and science folder! Do now: 1.What are the three types of symbiosis? Itinerary: 1.Review yesterday’s notes 2.Worksheet - review Homework: Quiz Tomorrow!!!
Relationships Chart RelationshipOrganism 1Organism 2 Competition Predator/Prey Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism = benefits = hurt
Examples: 1. Plants trying to grow taller to get more sunlight. Competition
2. Carpool picking you up because you are on their way to school. Commensalism
3. Tapeworm living in your stomach and eating all your food. Parasitism
4. Spider camouflaging itself so it doesn’t get eaten. Commensalism
5. Algae living in coral to give it food; coral gives it protection. Mutualism
6. Shrimp cleaning shark teeth and getting protection. Mutualism
7. Protists living in termites to get protection and help them break down wood fibers. Mutualism
8. Mistletoe lives on trees and take all their nutrients. Parasitism
9. Clownfish lives in an anemone and gets protection. Mutualism
10. Lions kill an antelope to eat. Predator and Prey