Fall 2014
» Facilitator » Action Plan Recorder » Grows and Glows Recorder » Time Keeper » Data Manager
The material for this training day was developed by Ingham ISD: John Endahl, Melanie Kahler, Matt Phillips, Jeanne Tomlinson, Kelly Trout, Laura Colligan and Mary Jo Wegenke Content based on the work of… MiBLSi project Steve Goodman, Anna Harms, Melissa Nantais, Jennifer Rollenhagen, Kim St. Martin, Tennille Whitmore George Batsch, University of South Florida Robert Balfanz, Everyone Graduates Center and Johns Hopkins University Roland Good and Rob Horner, University of Oregon George Sugai, University of Connecticut Joe Torgesen, Florida Center for Reading Research Dawn Miller, Shawnee Mission School District, Kansas Input from our LEAs
Where to access materials for today: 1. POMPOMS! The documents we are using today are on flash drives attached to ISD pompoms. 2.MTSS Implementers Website Building Data Review page OR Materials you will need today Data Review Workbook(MTSS Wiki & hardcopy) Problem Solving Guide (MTSS Wiki & hardcopy) Worked Example Problem Solving Guide (MTSS Wiki & hardcopy) Log-in Information: Illuminate, BAA, pbisapps.org, and SWIS Process Data: PETR/SWEPT, PET-M, BSA, BoQ, SAS
I can articulate… the purpose and value in a District Data Review. how process data can inform the district about current academic and behavior systems how student outcomes data can inform the district about student performance. how student outcome data and process data can be used together to inform district goals. the purpose and steps in a problem solving process; gather data, identify and analyze problem(s), develop an action plan, and evaluate the plan.
Data Review Workday Working Agreements Participants Work through the Continuous Improvement Process using current data to identify district wide needs, trends, patterns and create an action plan to address area(s) of concern and deploy resources. Administrator Assist staff to make instructional decisions based on data Assist with resource allocation so action items can be implemented Ingham ISD Provide tools to assist with data analysis Provide guided facilitation for problem solving using the Continuous Improvement Cycle
» Time is an even higher commodity » Districts will have tensions between the needs of schools and the demands and resources available from the region and state » More data to analyze, analysis techniques will differ » Decisions and actions must take into account the entire district
» The district data review process results in the identification of areas that the district schools need to prioritize ˃The priorities (findings from the data review) need to be communicated to the administrative team and to the building leadership teams and staff » Priorities and corresponding actions are documented in both the District Improvement Plan and the School Improvement Plan(s) » The district data review process looks for common implementation challenges across schools so that the district implementation team can work to eliminate barriers to successful implementation
As seen at Building Data Days
Student Outcomes
First Few Days of School
»Why is MDE Requiring Program Evaluation? To positively impact student achievement and close gaps for the subgroups To ensure that high quality planning, implementation and evaluation are part of the Continuous Improvement Process To ensure ongoing engagement of multiple stakeholders (students, teachers, parents/community, administrators) in the planning and evaluation process To maximize the use of resources to impact student learning To provide documentation of program implementation to inform future decision-making To meet state and federal requirements.
»MDE Schools are required to select one: » Strategy/reform strategy » Program » Initiative »that would have the greatest impact on student achievement and close the achievement gaps.
Intentionally Plan to monitor adult actions and student outcomes How does the MDE Program Evaluation Tool fit into the Problem Solving/Continu ous Improvement Process? Student Outcomes
Step One: Log into Assist Step Two: Click on “Portfolio” Tab Step Three: Click on Program Evaluation Tool
» Assign Roles » Review: ˃Materials ˃District Improvement Plan ˃Spring Action Plan » Begin Data Analysis Process Data (use the Process Data Overview Forms to record observations) Outcome data (use the District Literacy & Mathematics Overview Forms as a place to record observations) Current Performance, Trends, Special Education Review the School-wide overview forms from Building Data Review Prioritize areas of concerns across the district » Begin the Continuous Improvement Process using ASSIST. Enter the information into the District Improvement Plan » Record Grows and Glows » Complete the Communication Plan
Questions: Please Mary Jo Wegenke