AGENDA  A teacher’s perspective  Barb Schmidt Stevens High School  Acacia Trevillyan South Park Elementary  Review steps to create a quality CFA 


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Presentation transcript:

AGENDA  A teacher’s perspective  Barb Schmidt Stevens High School  Acacia Trevillyan South Park Elementary  Review steps to create a quality CFA  Using Danielson model to evaluate teachers during PLC time  Read and discuss High Leverage Strategies for Principals  Closure 1

A Teacher’s Perspective  Barb Schmidt  Stevens High School Teacher  Teaches Biology and Anatomy and Physiology 2

Literacy Leader’s Perspective  Acacia Trevillyan South Park Elementary  South Park Elementary Literacy Leader 3

PRIORITY: DEVELOP & DEPLOY CFAS LEARNING TARGETS  I can provide leadership for designing quality CFA’s.  I understand the value and importance of using the Danielson model to evaluate staff based on PLC processes. CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS  Discussion and collaboration.  Articulate how the Danielson Model can be used to evaluate teachers based on PLC process 4

Creating a CFA Decide on Power Standards Write Learning Targets Create a Quality CFA 5

INDICATORS of CFAS 1. The assessment is collaboratively developed (to allow teachers in the same grades or departments to measure the same things in the same way). 2. The assessment is aligned with the power standards. 3. The assessment is tied tightly to clearly identified learning targets within the power standards. 4. The assessment is written around 1-3 of the most important learning targets. 5. The assessment adheres to sound method and design elements (see “Test-Item Quality Checklist,” which provides guidelines for gathering reliable information about student learning). 6

Steps to Creating a Quality CFA Decide on Power Standards Write Learning Targets Determine Proficiency Levels Create a Quality CFA 7

QUALITY INDICATORS: DESIGN OF CFAS 1. The assessment is collaboratively developed (to allow teachers in the same grades or departments to measure the same things in the same way). 2. The assessment is aligned with the power standards. 3. The assessment is tied tightly to clearly identified learning targets within the power standards. 4. The assessment is written around 1-3 of the most important learning targets. 5. The assessment tasks are tied to the Proficiency Level Descriptions (PLDs). 6. The assessment adheres to sound method and design elements (see “Test- Item Quality Checklist,” which provides guidelines for gathering reliable information about student learning). 8

Proficiency Level Descriptions 4 (Advanced) – Level 3 performance, plus applications that go beyond what was explicitly taught. 3 (Proficient) – No major errors or omissions of explicitly taught material (Webb’s DOK 3 & 4) 2 (Approaching) – No major errors or omissions of simpler material, but major errors involving complex material (Webb’s DOK 1 & 2) 1 (Emerging) – With help, partial knowledge of some of the simpler and complex details and processes 9

Review  What is the value in knowing and using the Quality Indicators for Design of CFAs? 10

Quality Common Formative Assessments  How are you currently evaluating your PLC teams?  Are your teachers acting as a group or a team? Is there a difference? Explain  How do you plan to assess your teacher’s CFAs?  Please discuss at your tables and be prepared to share your responses. 11

DuFour’s Perspective  DuFour explains the difference between a group and a team? DuFour explains the difference between a group and a team?  (2 nd video on plc) 12

 Discuss at your table the impact of working in isolation?  Do you currently have staff in your building who prefer working in isolation? What impact does this have on student achievement?   DuFour explains the impact of isolation  (3 rd video) 13

Danielson Model  How are you currently using the Danielson Model to ensure your teachers are working as a team?  If you are not using the Danielson Model how can you implement it to ensure teachers are working as a team?  Be prepared to share your responses. 14

DuFour and Marzano  High Leverage Strategies for Principal Leadership by Dufour and Marzano  By promoting teacher learning in collaborative teams, a principal is far more likely to improve student achievement than by focusing on formal teacher evaluation.  Read and discuss and significance of the article  (20 minutes) 15


DuFour and Marzano 17

DuFour and Marzano 18


Marzano  “One of the most powerful strategies schools can employ for improving student learning is to ensure what is being taught in the classrooms is both guaranteed( that is students have access to the same essential learning regardless of who is teaching the class) and viable (that is the curriculum can be taught in the amount of time available).” Marzano  For this reason it is essential administrators effectively evaluate our staff on the PLC processes. 20

Using the Danielson Model 21

Danielson Model  The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument2011 Edition by Charlotte Danielson  Domain 3 Using Assessment in Instruction  Domain 4 Participating in a Professional Community  The Danielson 2011 Edition is available at FfTEvaluationInstrument - The Danielson Group FfTEvaluationInstrument - The Danielson Group 22



Danielson Model  __________________’s PLC team is in the process of developing common formative assessments which are a powerful tool in school improvement. Common assessments provide teachers with a basis of comparison as they learn, skill by skill, how the performance of their students is similar to and different from the other students who took the assessment. With this information a teacher can seek assistance from teammates on areas of concern and can share strategies and ideas on skills in which students excelled. The PLC teams will focus on creating high quality common formative assessments. High quality common assessments include the following quality indicators:  The assessment is collaboratively developed  The assessment is aligned with the power standards  The assessment is tied tightly to clearly indentified learning targets within the power standards  The assessment tasks are tied to the proficiency level descriptions  The assessment provides reliable information about what students have learned  Throughout this process _________________ has taken a leadership role, acting as a positive mentor to her department.  Domain 3 Instruction 25



Danielson Model  According to research, the number one factor successful schools have in place is a guaranteed and viable curriculum. This is the first year the district is involved in professional learning communities and ____________’s PLC group is in the process of developing a guaranteed and viable curriculum. __________ PLC team is obtaining a collective focus on what it is that all students must learn, and subsequently, what learning they will monitor with common formative assessments. ____________ shared in the preconference she looks forward to having additional time to collaborate in a systematic fashion and further enhance the Science department’s practices. Domain 4 Professional Responsibility 28

Debrief  How can the Danielson model help you in your PLC leadership work with teachers?  Discuss with your team and be prepared to share your response. 29

Closure  When a student doesn’t perform or presents academic or behavioral problems, someone is to blame? Who can we blame? 30

The President? 31

Sports figures? 32

Professor  The college professor says: “The high schools in this country didn’t prepare this person.” 33

High School  The high school teacher says: “Those middle school teachers just didn’t do their job.” 34

Middle School  The middle school teacher says: “Those elementary teachers fall asleep on the job.” 35

Elementary Teacher  The elementary school teacher says: “The kindergarten teacher should have done better.” 36

 The kindergarten school teacher responds: “The parents of this child really dropped the ball.” 37

Mother  The mother says: “Don’t blame me you should see my husband’s side of the family!” 38

Future Work Next Steps: (April 2 Meeting)  Next Principals’ Student Achievement Meeting—Complete handout that addresses how you built your staff’s capacity to design quality CFAs and use PLDs. Bring examples of strong and weak CFAs. Future Work:  Deploying (using) CFAs effectively  Displaying and using data to create a quality response to CFAs  Integrating an assessment plan into an instructional unit 39

Future Work 40