Supplies 3-ring binder Notebook paper Black/blue pens Flash Drive Open Mind Portfolio Dividers CCGP supplies Page Protectors Sleep-before class
***CCGP*** The CCGP is a county milestone required for graduation at all Craven County high schools. This project includes a MLA style research paper, an in-depth and original product, a portfolio, and an oral presentation with a visual—PowerPoint presentations are encouraged. All work must be properly cited as per MLA guidelines. Plagiarism will result in failure—no exceptions.
Some Selected Readings Beowulf Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Arthurian Legend Tales Sonnets Macbeth Hamlet Animal Farm from Gulliver’s Travels Poetry of the Romantic Era Poetry of the Victorian Era Frankenstein Wuthering Heights
Some Selected Videos Craven County has instituted a video policy which requires a parent signature for all videos rated PG or above. Non-rated videos do not require parental permission. Please support HHS English IV curriculum by signing the appropriate forms for your student. Wuthering Heights – PG King Arthur – PG-13 Gulliver’s Travels – PG A Knight’s Tale – PG-13 Hamlet – PG-13 Lord of the Rings – PG-13 A Midsummer Nights Dream – PG-13 Ever After – PG Beckett, Canterbury Tales, and Camelot are non-rated
Parent/Teacher contact is important in your student’s success. Progress reports will go home as printed on the school calendar. These should be signed and returned. The best way to contact me is by You may also leave a phone message with the front office at
Images Copyrighted by & found at India Picture Gallery.Historylink101.comIndia Picture Gallery.