Maria Landy’s Education Update – OFSTED and Curriculum special Needs with a Focus on Special schools and SEN&d provision September 2015 Focus – OfSTED Changes and Curriculum requirements – see useful info section for other updates Particularly on early years and 16 plus
Suggest you Download the latest off the OfSTED website – changes from September 2015 Look for CIF – the New Common Inspection Framework – plus powerpoint briefings Specific guidance and requirements on Early Years – see my update on my website – useful info section Specific guidance and requirements on 16-19 provision – see my update on my website – useful info section Look for school inspection handbook – the latest – 2015 Click on and where relevant save the links - look carefully at the footnote links
Effectiveness of leadership and management Inspectors will make graded judgements on the following areas, using the four point scale Effectiveness of leadership and management Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development , behaviour and welfare Outcomes for children and learners For grade descriptors see School inspection handbook- June 2015 ref no: 150066 – check if it is the latest!
SEE the PREVENT duty guidance for England Prevent duty guidance for Early Years – “ensuring children learn right from wrong, mix and share with other children and value others views, know the similarities and differences between themselves and others and challenge negative attitudes and stereotypes.” Look up the PREVENT guidance for schools and 16 plus provision in England! Have your school had the training?
Emphasis on British values and the prevent duty Democracy Rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect and tolerance See my website – useful info section for my British Values suggested action plan
Schools need Three Key main documents : Inspection handbooks aswell as frameworks plus separate safeguarding guidance – There are 3 key documents Plus – Early Years will have a separate registration handbook plus a separate compliance handbook
Be alert to safeguarding updates - check every few months Keeping children safe in education – information for all schools and college staff – update July 2015 – ensure it is part of regular training of all staff and part of induction for all new staff and governors Also statutory guidance – Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 – ensure your school designated leaders inform all staff of the changes and keep evidence that this is done ``
Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings Published June 2015 ref no 150067 - check it is the latest – suggest you click on the links e.g. Reasonable force guidance Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage use the DfE link on page 9
Early years – see future of education inspection – early years briefing session by gill jones hmi on the OfSTED website – main points: One CIF – Common Inspection Framework supported by separate handbooks for each remit – EYFS/schools/16+ and residential schools and care homes The CIF ensures that a coherent set of judgements are made across the different education skills and child care settings.
Notification of inspection - EYFS Pre –schools and nurseries will now have half a day notice of a routine cycle inspection No prior notification of inspection for inadequate providers or priority inspections
Effectiveness of Early years - key judgements How well does the EYFS provision prepare pupils for school? How well do they assess the children and record this? How well is the transition process led and managed?
Key points for all school inspections: Particular focus on the CURRICULUM The impact of the culture of your school and how you show AMBITIOUS VISION SAFEGUARDING – not graded but must report if it is effective or not Use and impact of funding especially the Pupil Premium and any additional funds
Using the common Inspection framework to judge the effectiveness of your schools provision using the 2015 OfSTED Handbook and Framework plus safeguarding guidance Effectiveness of leadership and management Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outcomes for children and learners Time now to realign and rearrange your School Self Evaluations and Development Plans plus your Headteacher and Senior Leaders’ reports to the Governing Body or Trustees to reflect these four key areas. Add in to L&M >Curriculum and Safeguarding plus SMSC and British Values.
Inspectors will consider outcomes for children and learners: The progress of different groups from their starting points. Are gaps closing? Are needs met? How well teaching nurtures, engages and motivates children and learners? The breadth of the curriculum – updated/adapted National curriculum – what does it say on your website? How well assessment is used – is it accurate and reported well? The activities and experiences provided meet the needs of all learners?
Teaching Learning and assessment – inspectors will: Judge the quality and impact of phonics teaching How well ALL the staff work with parents Children's enjoyment of learning Participation Willingness to make choices Active and inquisitive learners Learners who are creative and think critically
How well do they behave, co-operate and share, make friends, build understanding and respect? Do they make Outstanding progress? Behave in ways that are safe Judge the proportion who make typical or better progress from their starting points Do the senior leaders and Governors know this? Is EYFS and/or 16-19 part of the Self Evaluation (SEF) and the School Development plan? (SDP) Also data summaries? Are they included in the Headteacher’s reports to the GB?
Personal development, behaviour and welfare – key points for the early years, school and post 16 – use as basis for self review and action plans Keeping safe Self awareness – how to be successful learners Social and emotional elements Attendance Behaviour Keeping healthy Personal development
Key points for schools to focus on: Assessment and analysis – securing evidence of ALL KINDS of assessment and showing the use of assessment to inform teaching and learning and leaders monitoring Parents as partners and sources of information and given regular updates and valuable reports about progress Teaching – no preferred approach but must meet needs Learning promoting characteristics of effective learning.
INSPECTING Schools – SEN&D and Special Schools risk assessments – to check data & parents views Section 5 and Section 8 inspections do you know the difference? Short inspections for special schools and PRUs judged outstanding at their previous section 5 inspection – led by Regional HMI and OfSTED inspectors many who are Senior Leaders working in schools See page 11 paras 38 and 39 of separate School inspection handbook – section 8 – June 2015 No. 150077 Short inspections every three years – they will not change the overall grade of the school but may convert to a section 5 inspection.
Section 8 – short one day inspections Whatever happened to 162A? – now Section 5 and 8 inspections – every 3 years – Suggest you check SEN experience Residential and boarding provision will be integrated with the school inspection where possible – they may align (same time) Short inspections carried out under section 8 – see separate Section 8 handbook – approximately every 3 years - if previously outstanding – but not certain special schools – see page 7 para 14 of the June 2015 School inspection handbook
Schools may be inspected at any time if: There are safeguarding, welfare or behaviour concerns A subject or thematic survey inspection raises concerns OfSTED have received a “qualifying complaint” Concerns raised about standards of leadership or governance Concerns identified about breath and balance of the curriculum or the school’s performance It is part of any sample selected to ensure that HMCI’s Annual Report reflects evidence across all settings
UsE the common Inspection framework to judge the effectiveness of your provision using the 2015 OfSTED Handbook and Framework plus safeguarding guidance – ASAP – remember: Effectiveness of leadership and management Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outcomes for children and learners I suggest you reorder and align your SEF and SDP to the sections above and train your staff plus Governors and keep checking the OfSTED website so you are up to date!
Clarification for schools re inspections from September 2015 When – any time after 5 days after the start of the autumn term What OfSTED do NOT want – lesson plans > a specific layout of planning > the SEF in a specific format > to see specific amount of work or marking > They expect schools to decide on their policies – inspectors will “visit” lessons – see paras 63 - 65 and they will NOT give a grade to an individual lesson and will expect senior leaders to give feedback Will not grade lessons > not expect schools to provide pay grades or extra evidence – see page 11 of June Handbook - No. 150066 WILL expect to see the school’s observations evidence.
OfSTED does not expect to see: Evidence beyond that set out in the inspection handout Performance and pupil tracking data presented in a particular way Evidence for each teacher against the teachers’ standards WILL expect to see the school’s evidence of monitoring of teaching and learning and its link to teachers’ performance and the teachers’ standards OfSTED WILL report on any failure to comply with statutory requirements.
Paras 29-92 on pages 13 – 27 help you prepare for before and during the OfSTED What helps the inspectors prepare – the school’s website Concurrent inspections – para 31/ Integrated inspections para 32 Notification and initial call paras 33-39 Para 37 – request for the information to be available – get ready! See page 16 which includes – The SEF/SDP or SIP Timetables, staff lists, SCR, Behaviour – Exclusions- Attendance- Incidents – Safeguarding referrals – CP cases – Teaching analysis linked to PM anonymised format – Governors evidence and priorities Copies of any external evaluations – Pupil premium review - expenditure of funds – British Values and SMSC evidence etc…….
SEN&D Resource bases in mainstream schools must be inspected- see paras 38 and 39 page 16 They will meet with staff and governors without the presence of the headteacher or senior staff see paras 82 and 84 page 25 – also pupils and parents – see para 79 They will look at the data for current pupils and look at other evidence on progress, attainment, attendance and exclusions to evaluate: consistency> trends> differences between groups> the accuracy of assessments> the robustness of the school’s self evaluation systems and use a wide range of information to judge OUTCOMES overall. WILL expect to see
OFSTED: pREPARE NOW: STAY UP YO DATE: BE ready! Know what to have ready and know the latest criteria Prepare your staff, Senior Leaders and Governors Have EYFS and 16-19 evidence ready – see my specific updates on my website – useful info section Use the handbook grade descriptors to judge your school Have your evidence ready – make your walls work for you to showcase the quality of your provision and inform all visitors.
Also see my other SPECIAL Updates where I FOCUS ON 16-19 provision and Early Years They focus on the changes from September 2015 in England They guide you to essential update details I hope you found this update helpful Smiles Maria Landy 07803 602434