Chen Daoxu Nanjing University
Progress Made – Clearer Objective The educational objective for each program is more meaningful, measurable, and functional. Not too general to be guideline in program planning and teaching practices Understood by teachers, students, and potential employers as well Regularly evaluation and update, with persons from the industry taking part
Progress Made - Students Outcome-based planning, practicing, and evaluation Expectation for the students on graduation, and in near future after graduation Supporting all students in achieving the expectations, not only focusing on the performance of excellent ones “non-technical” capabilities, related to social, law, environments, interpersonal communication, etc. Accessing and evaluate the performance of students in the whole process of learning
Progress Made – Continuous improvement Make efforts to establish a feedback-based self- improvement cycle Pay attention to the effect in practices of teaching management, not only the completeness of documentary and the regulation on process Role of industry in the continuous improvement
Progress Made – Teachers Involvements Every staff member gets more involved in the process of quality control Objective-oriented course planning and teaching Understanding the personal responsibility in supporting the students in achieving their goal of learning Understanding the personal role in continuous improvements
Great Challenge – Evaluator Maybe, the greatest challenge for accreditation in China in next few years is to organize a force of qualified evaluator We need an amount of volunteers from universities and industry, with passion, characteristics, and background Understanding the principle and methodology of accreditation Experiences in making reasonable conclusion by asking reasonable questions Adhere to the criterion strictly Not depend heavily on the numbers Without any bias
Great Challenge - Recognition While it is considered a “good thing” for students, there are many universities asking: “why should we do that?” Sustainable requirement and interest on the side of program must originated from the requirement for the social recognition. In a view of short term, social recognition is heavily influence by some “bright symbols”. Efforts must be made to make the effects of accreditation more “visible”.