Animals Multi-cellular organisms that cannot make their own food, but have to ingest other organisms Do not have a cell wall but a skeletal structure that aids in movement and support 2 types: Invertebrates & Vertebrates
Invertebrates Lack backbones and live on hard rocky surfaces and can only move around in teen juvenile, larvae stages Examples: insects, squid, corals, worms, mollusks (clams, & oysters) External skeletons that help keeps them hydrated in dry weather Move and reproduce quickly Reproduce by laying of eggs
Vertebrates Have a backbones and can live in the air, water or land surfaces Examples: frogs, fish, salamanders, snakes, humans, and dogs 2 categories-means of birthing Cold blooded & warm blooded
COLD BLOODED Animals that have female and male reproductive organs but do not have “live” births Male- penis; dispense sperms onto eggs Female-ovaries & vagina that lay the eggs Examples: fish, frogs and birds
Warm Blooded Animals that have female and male reproductive organs but do have “live” births Mating occurs with intercourse to produce a fetus that is later birth and comes of breathing immediately Examples: humans, cows, whales, and rats Mammals- posses hair, mammary glands (breast) to feed their young
Symbiosis It’s all about relationships!
Symbiosis …is a close relationship between two or more different species.
Mutualism—A relationship where both species benefit from the relationship. 50/50
Parasitism Host- Organism that is being used by the parasite as a habitat (place to feed). Can become seriously ill or die. Parasite- Organism that is benefiting by getting nutrients. Can live inside or be outside of host
Parasitism-- A relationship between two species in which one species (the parasite) gets energy by the disabling the other species (the host) 100/0
Commensalism—A relationship where one species obtains food or shelter from the other species. Does not harm or help the other species.
Commensalism Example- Tiny mites living on human eyebrows
Predation: When one organism hunts, stalks another (the prey) resulting in eating, killing, or injuring it.
Predator Organism that hunts, kills, eats and stalks another organism Prey- Organism that is killed, hunted, stalked or eaten by a predator
When two organisms use physical (direct) or non-physical (indirect) means to obtain the same thing.. For food, mates, shelter, followers, etc.
2 Types Direct: Kevin gets in a physical altercation (fight) with Justin regarding him dating Nikki. Indirect: Nikki is dating Justin and he is aware that she is seeing Kevin. Justin then vows to win her over by lavishing her with gifts and flower. However, he never sees Kevin.