Advanced Level Course
Site Extras Site Extras consist of four categories: Stationeries Site Trash Designs Components
Stationeries The stationery, or template, can contain all the common Elements that are required for every page in the site. Stationeries are HTML files that are created for use as templates.
Site Trash Files in GoLive can be deleted using two methods: Site Trash System Trash (Recycle Bin) When using GoLive’s Site Trash folder, the deleted files are moved to a temporary location in the Extras tab.
Components A Component is an HTML document that holds objects and elements, or HTML snippets, that can be used repeatedly throughout the site. When a component is modified and saved, GoLive automatically updates all pages containing the component.
Custom The snippets can be imported from open site pages, documents in other applications, or even from other sites. The Custom tab is a collection of reusable "snippets" of HTML code.
Designs Multiple designs of the same site can be stored in the Design tab of the Site window. Page hierarchy can be built to show files that are : Parent Sibling Child GoLive’s Design feature enables you to create the structure of your site, which can include content and links.
Sections Sections can be a sub-section of a page. Sections are a collection of Design pages. Sections can have their own folder, stationery, and even sub-sections.
Linking in Design View When each page is selected, a Point-and-Shoot button is displayed at the bottom right of the icon. This enables the linking between pages in the Design window.
Groups and Annotations A design group is made up of items and pages, Which are enclosed by a rectangle. Annotations are notes that are attached to a specific page.
Staging the Design Staging the site directs GoLive to copy the design files to the folder, or folders, specified. When staging the site design, a minimum of one pending link must be created.
Design Views Options for viewing the site design in the View Controller are set in the Design tab of the palette.
Plug-ins Plug-ins enable the browser to play the audio and/or video files inserted into a Web page. The plug-in placeholders are: Generic Flash QuickTime Real SVG
Audio Audio files are generally aiff, wav, or mp3. The Real audio console is determined by the controls in the Inspector's Real tab
Video Video files are movie files created in such applications as Flash, QuickTime, and LiveMotion.
Actions An action is triggered by an interactive event made by the user as the mouse is moved around the Web page. Onload event actions Link actions Timeline editor actions GoLive features three types of actions:
OnLoad Event Actions The onload event action is triggered when a Web page is loaded. The actions are executed before anything else is activated in the page. These actions are inserted into the section of the page.
Link Actions Go last Page Goto Link Navigate History Open Window A Link action is applied to an item that is hyper linked. Link actions are:
Slide Show A slide show requires all images to be the exact same pixel dimension. The images must all be located in the same folder as the starting Image. The image file type must be the same, that is, all JPG, or all GIF, not a mixture of both.
The Timeline Editor Timelines control the visibility, movement, speed, and positioning of the floating box.
Keyframes A keyframe is the marker on the time track that indicates a change to a floating box. A change can be the position of the floating box, it's visibility, or it's layer order. GoLive calculates the floating box's position in each frame between the keyframes. This is called "tweening".
Animation and Action Triggers Actions can be used to trigger an animation, and also an animation can be used to trigger an Action. An animation triggered by an Action is the result of an action taken by the user An animation triggering an Action makes something happen. The Action Track in the Timeline Editor is used to control an animation used to trigger an Action
QuickTime Movies QuickTime sound and movie files can be edited directly in GoLive. The QuickTime Toolbar The Movie Track Editor.
Create a Style Sheet Cascading Style Sheets are made up of tags, which contain formatting instructions. Style Sheets specifies formatting, such as font, size, margins, color, borders, character and line spacing. There are two types of style sheets: internal, and external.
Style Elements The three types of style elements selectors, Class, Tag, and ID.
CSS Properties Basic Font Text Block Position Border Background List Others The CSS Inspector features eight tabs for configuring the style properties:
Apply Style Sheets CSS Styles are applied based on the particular selector, classes an ID.
Find and Replace Element in Site The Find and Replace feature in GoLive has three tabs to enable site-wide changes.
Clean Up Site GoLive’s Clean Up Site is a handy feature to clean out unused fontsets, colors, and links.
Import a Site Sites can be imported into GoLive from a local folder on your hard drive, or from an FTP server.
Errors and Site Reports Error, or warning, symbols are: Green bug Stop sign Question Mark Check mark The Site report searches the entire site with results based upon the specified criteria.
Add Dates and Spellcheck The Date and Time Stamp function enables users to see when the page was last modified. Spellchecking a site or page is handled in a similar manner to that used in a word processor.
The FTP Connection The Web Server information can be entered into the Network Preferences, for easy access when it is required to make a FTP connection.
Synchronized Files GoLive features a powerful system of keeping the files stored on the local hard drive synchronized with the files on the Web server. When a site is loaded for the first time, all files are uploaded. Once the files are on the server, any modified files on the local hard drive can be automatically uploaded to the server without having to be uploaded individually.