The Layout for the Company Power Point Mr. Scott Business Unit
The Mission and Vision What is the Mission of your Company, this includes the goals and objectives of the company, why the company was created. What is the Vision of the company, how will the goals and objectives be achieved?
What makes your company green? What is your company doing to reduce and reuse. How is your company limiting its carbon foot print. What alternative energy sources is the company using to create its product or provide its service
Contributions to humanity How does the product or service benefit other peoples lives? How does the product or service improve life in general?
Getting your product or service into the hands of consumers, or clients How will your product or service be distributed? If you are partnering with other companies to do this are they green, what evidence do you have to support your claim?
How will you make your clients or consumers aware of your company product or service Where will you advertise? How will you advertise? What will you talk about and show in your advertisement? What is the logo and slogan of your company? What does your product or service look like?
Who will invest in your company and why should they What do investors look for in the companies they invest in? Who will find your product or service worthy of investing in? (who are your potential investors) What makes this company profitable? What makes an investment in your company a unique opportunity? (what separates you, makes your company stick out from all the rest?)
Where will your business be located, and why? Where will the business be located and why? Are you going to build facilities or rent, which is better and why, what evidence do you have to support your choice?
How do companies become legal? How do companies become legal in the state of Illinois? Where do you have to go and what do you have to do in order to open a business in Chicago? How many employees will your company employ? How much will the employees earn per hour?
How do companies become legal? II What is your competition paying their employees? Is the completion offering health and medical benefits? If so how much does the company pay, how much does the employee pay?
What will be your startup cost How much will it cost –To build or rent a space –To provide energy to produce the good or service –To heat and cool the space –To provide water –How can you lower your cost by being green? –What are you doing to lower cost? –How much will it cost to produce your product or service? –What is your monthly budget?