OHS Region X TTA Created by ICF International for OHS Region X
Professional Development Priority: Five Year Grant Projects OHS and National Centers Priority Alignment: OHS 2, 3 and 5; PMFO 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Data Source(s): OHS Region X Data Outcome: Grantees will use intentional planning process to establish five year goals; receive ongoing support toward progress of achieving goals; and determine indicators of Time Frame (May June 2015) Professional Development Strategy Content Lead(s) Host and location Attendees On- Site or Virt ual Final Thoughts (Documentation after the event. What worked & what would we do differently) ECE Specialist Grantee Specialist National Centers Region X OHS Grantee TTA Regional Office June 2014 – June 2015 Provide 2 – 4 clusters on Intentional Planning for Five Year Project Periods over the course of the next 12 months. X Portland, OR Seattle, WA XXX On- Site Oct 2014 Region X Directors Symposium: OMB Super Circulars and facilities with IST visit from Belinda Rinker X X Seattle, WA XXX On- Site Jan 2015 Region X Directors Symposium: PMFO focus: linking planning, ongoing monitoring, self- assessment X PMFO XSeattle, WA XXXOn- Site Region X Professional Development and Training Plan 2015 Created by ICF International for OHS Region X
Highlights of the Region X Professional Development & Training Plan: Priorities and Outcomes Created by ICF International for OHS Region X
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X THE GRANTEE SPECIALIST ROLE POSSIBLE REASONS FOR TTA GS SUPPORT Federal Monitoring Review Non-Compliance Immediate Deficiency New Director Support or other Grantee Identified Need Regional Priority
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X PROCESS Deployment from Regional Office Program Specialist(PS) or RPM identifies need Deployment Request submitted to TTA Coordinator and RPM by PS Request is reviewed, prioritized, approved by RPM and TTA Coordinator PS and TTA Grantee Specialist are informed GS initiates contact with PS and then grantee to determine site visit and details Deployment from Regional Office Program Specialist(PS) or RPM identifies need Deployment Request submitted to TTA Coordinator and RPM by PS Request is reviewed, prioritized, approved by RPM and TTA Coordinator PS and TTA Grantee Specialist are informed GS initiates contact with PS and then grantee to determine site visit and details
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X GRANTEE SPECIALISTS Establishing supportive relationships with: Active Listening Collaborative Intentional Planning Systemic Thinking
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X Supporting the Work of Grantees Overall purpose to support grantees in achieving positive child and family outcomes.
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS APPROACH Review and discuss grantee’s identified need for TTA support. Review current internal management systems structure. Analyze current systems to identify potential gaps. Discuss strategies for strengthening internal management systems to support compliant and innovative program practices. Review and discuss grantee’s identified need for TTA support. Review current internal management systems structure. Analyze current systems to identify potential gaps. Discuss strategies for strengthening internal management systems to support compliant and innovative program practices.
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X HEAD START MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS There are 10 Head Start systems as included in the Head Start Program Performance Standards All systems are inter-related and all systems need to be strong in order for a program to achieve its child and family outcomes. There are 10 Head Start systems as included in the Head Start Program Performance Standards All systems are inter-related and all systems need to be strong in order for a program to achieve its child and family outcomes.
Self- Assessment Planning Program Governance Human Resources ERSEA Record- keeping & Reporting Ongoing Monitoring Fiscal Management Facilities, Materials, & Equipment Communication Management Systems
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPACT OF CHANGE Self-Assessment Planning Program Governance Human Resources Facilities, Materials, Equipment Record Keeping and Reporting Communication Ongoing Monitoring Fiscal Management ERSEA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IMPACT ANALYSIS Idea for Change: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X Region X TTA ECE Highlights...
Region X 2014 CLASS Scores (From Federal Monitoring Reports) Created by ICF International for OHS Region X
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT COACHING Programs that use coaching have identified a range of positive outcomes for early learning professionals, including: Implementation of desired practices Changes in early learning professional-child interactions Implementation of practices with fidelity Self-reported changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes about practices
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT COACHING Outcomes For Children: Increased participation and engagement Increased social skills and fewer challenging behaviors Increased literacy & language skills Increased skills in logic & reasoning and approaches to learning “Adoption of coaching as a form of professional development is a complex endeavor that requires careful planning, system-wide changes, and ongoing support and review.” (Lloyd & Modlin, 2012) Chrishana M. Lloyd and Emily LL. Modlin (2012). Coaching as a Key Component in Teachers’ Professional Development: Improving Classroom Practices in Head Start Settings. OPRE Report , Washington, DC Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X COACHING WITH WA GRANTEES Coaching was provided in many different ways: phone Blackboard conference calls site visits coaching the coaches, role-modeling for the coach and coaching teaching staff/home visitors. Coaching topics: CLASS (Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, Instructional Support) Planned Language Approach High 5 Mathematize Home Visiting Reflective Supervision
Created by ICF International for OHS Region X QUESTIONS AND SHARING