Internet Technical Committee Meeting 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC June 2012 Ottawa, Canada ITC Meeting, June 20121
Meeting Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Approval of GC 2011 minutes. 3. New ITC roles 4. Conference updates 5. Presentation of Special Interest Groups 6. Publication activities 7. Other Business 8. Adjourn ITC Meeting, June 20122
1. introductions Structure: IEEE, ComSoc, and TAC IEEE IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) – One of the 38 societies of IEEE ComSoc Technical Activities Council (TAC) – Members: VP Technical Activities, TAC Vice- chair, TC Chairs and Vice-chairs 24 TCs, 8 Emerging Tech. Subcommittees, 2 Tech. Ad Hoc Committees ITC Meeting, June 20123
1. ITC Officers Officers ( ): – Chair: Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany) – Vice-Chair: Jaime Lloret Mauri (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) – Secretary: Stefano Secci (University Pierre and Marie Curie, France) Elected in Nov Previous Chairs ( ): – Deep Medhi ( ), Markus Hoffman ( ), Joe Touch ( ), Henning Schulzrinne ( ) ITC Meeting, June 20124
1. ITC Community ITC Meeting, June % +18% Subscribing: send an to and type in the body of the message "join itc FirstName FamilyName
ITC Meeting, June Approval of GC 2011 Minutes
3. New ITC roles Appointed by ITC Officers since last meeting: 1.IEEE ComSoc Standards Board ITC Representative 2.Cloud Communications and Networking Ad-hoc Committtee Representatives 3.ITC-ISOC/IRTF liaison ITC Meeting, June 20127
3. IEEE ComSoc Standards Board Standards Board ITC representative Periklis Chatzimios Assistant Professor Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece pchatzimisios AT The role's responsibility includes: – Provide update information to the TC membership regarding ComSoc Standards Board activities – Handle TC's endorsement of new standardization projects – Provide technical information and project progress updates for TC membership about relevant standards projects in ComSoc and within IEEE – If a TC has one or more active standards sponsoring sub-committees, facilitate coordinating function between these committees and ComSoc Standards Board – Coordinate TC's support of active standards projects (expert teams, technical support of ComSoc Standards Board and IEEE-SA) – Seek out standardization opportunities within the technical scope of the TC 8
3. Cloud Communications and Networking Ad- hoc Committee Representatives Cloud Ad-hoc TC ITC representatives Dijiang HuangJosé Maria Alvarez Calero Assistant Professor Researcher Arizona State University, USHP labs, UK dijiang AT asu.edujose-maria.alcaraz-calero AT The role's responsibility includes: – Represent ITC to the ad hoc committee, attending its meetings where feasible (or remotely when feasible), and provide the necessary expertise – Report to ITC and its officers about the ad hoc committee's progress and information e.g., concerning needs for experts in related initiatives and activities. ITC Meeting, June 20129
3. ITC-ISOC/IRTF liaison ITC-ISOC/IRTF liaison Luigi Iannone Associate Professor Télécom ParisTech, France luigi.iannone AT The role's responsibility includes: – ensuring the Global Internet Symposium (GI) visibility within ISOC; – initiating/participating in ITC-ISOC/IRTF joint activities (e.g., workshops, panels, special interest groups, special issues/sessions, etc.), when appropriate; – attending (some of) ISOC/IRTF events; – reporting to ITC on the above-mentioned related activities. ITC Meeting, June
4. Conference Update IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposiums IEEE ICC 2014 and IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Endorsed conferences – ICCCN 2012, NGI 2012, ITC 2012, MED-HOC-NET 2012, NOF 2012, IEEE CLOUDNET 2012, IEEE LATINCOM 2012, CNSM 2012 – Statistics (since Nov. 2011): TCS applications: 32 ITC-endorsed with TCS: 8 Rate: 25% – Open CFPs ITC Meeting, June
4. 15 th IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposium 15 th Global Internet Symposium at IEEE INFOCOM 2012 – March 25-30, 2012 – Orlando, Florida – TPC co-chairs: Dan Massey, Jorg Ott – 30 submissions, 11 accepted: 37% – Report: ITC Meeting, June
4. 16 th IEEE INFOCOM Global Internet Symposium 16 th Global Internet Symposium at IEEE INFOCOM 2013 – April 14-19, Turin, Italy – TPC co-chairs: Marcelo Bagnulo Braun (UC3M, Spain), Rod Van Meter (Keio Univ., Japan) – Submission deadline: TBA ITC Meeting, June
4. IEEE ICC 2012 ICC12 Next Generation Networking and Internet – Kurt Tutschku Professor, U. Vienna – Austria – 180 submissions, 65 accepted, 36.1 % acceptance – 13 sessions – Best Paper Award:HyScale: A Hybrid Optical Network based Scalable, Switch-centric Architecture for Data Centers by Shivashis Saha, Jitender Singh Deogun, Lisong Xu (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) ITC Meeting, June
4. IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 GC12 Next Generation Networking and Internet – James P.G. Sterbenz Professor, U. Kansas, USA – Number of submissions: ~150 – Reviews to be completed within 2-3 weeks ITC Meeting, June
4. IEEE ICC 2014 Call for nominations at IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 and on the ML Nominations sent on May 24 th, 2012 – Next Generation Networking and Internet Antonio Pescapè Assistant Professor U. Napoli – Federico II, Italy – Communications Software and Services Periklis Chatzimisios Assistant Professor Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece ITC Meeting, June
4. IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Call for nominations at IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 and on the ML Still receiving nominations – About the co-chair position: each symposium will have its own technical program committee that is managed by a set of 2-4 Symposium Co-Chairs. The co-chairs retain full responsibility for all aspects of the symposium technical program, including the shaping of its technical program, managing the review process, selecting accepted papers, and organizing its sessions. Symposium co- chairs are highly respected leaders in their fields of expertise, with outstanding records of IEEE publications and proven experience in the peer review process. – Strongest profiles will be nominated so as to increase selection chances Please send nominations to ITC Meeting, June
4. ICCCN 2012 ICCCN 2012 – July 30 – August 5, 2012 – Munich, Germany – ITC representatives: Georg Carle, Xiaoming Fu, Haohong Wang – Submissions: 266 – Accepted: 79 – 30% ITC Meeting, June
4. Euro-NF NGI 2012 NGI 2012 – June 25-27, 2012 – BTH, Karlskrona, Sweden – ITC representatives: Piotr Cholda and Kurt Tutschku as TPC co-chairs, Stefano Secci as TPC member – Submissions: 45 – Accepted: 20 – 44% ITC Meeting, June
4. ITC 2012 ITC 2012 – September 4-7, 2012 – Krakow, Poland – ITC representatives: Andrzej Jajszczyk as General Chair, Deep Medhi as TPC member, Prosper Chemouil as Steering Commitee Chair – Submissions: 72 – Accepted: 24 – 34% ITC Meeting, June
4. CNSM 2012 CNSM 2012 – October 22-26, 2012 – Las Vegas, USA – ITC representatives: Deep Medhi as General Chair, Marcus Brunner and Prosper Chemouil as TPC and SB members – Submissions: 97 ITC Meeting, June
4. NOF 2012 NoF 2012 – November 21-23, 2012 – Tunis, Tunisia – ITC representatives: Prosper Chemouili, Mai Trang Nguyen, Stefano Secci – Submission deadline: July 17, 2012 ITC Meeting, June
4. IEEE CLOUDNET 2012 IEEE CLOUDNET 2012 – November 28-30, 2012 – UPMC, Paris, France – ITC representatives: JM Alcaraz Calero and Dijiang Huang as TPC members, Stefano Secci as TPC co-chair – New IEEE ComSoc portfolio event, first of a long series! – Outstanding keynote panel: Radia Perlman (Intel labs), Charlie Kaufman (Microsoft Azure), Tarik Taleb (NEC labs) – Submission deadline (ext): July 6, 2012 (demos&tut: ~Sept 15, 2012)
5. Special Interest Groups -ITC gives importance to cutting-edge research areas opening Special Interest Groups and supporting related activities such as: -Special Issues, -Conferences, Workshops. -Large research projects, Standardization. -If you are active on any of the active SIG area, please get in contact with the ITC representative to allow listing and reporting. -Stay tuned on : ITC Meeting, June
5. SIG on Internet of Things -Internet of Things -Neuman Souza, UFC, Brazil -Special session in IEEE Sensors conference (wip) -Upcoming Special Issue on IoT in IEEE Sensors Journal (wip) ITC Meeting, June
5. SIG on Cloud Networking -Cloud Networking -Dijiang Huang, ASU, USA, and José M. Alvarez Calero, HP labs, UK -IEEE CloudNet series -SI on Management of Cloud Services, IEEE TNSM, Deadline: 31 Oct SI on Cloud computing Assessment: metrics, algorithms, policies, models, and evaluation techniques, IEEE TNSDC, Deadline: 15 July ITC members active in many large projects: BonFire, MobiCloud, HPCloud, etc. ITC Meeting, June
5. More recent SIGs -Loc/ID Separation -Luigi Iannone, Télécom ParisTech, France -IETF Routing WG activities -Information-Centric Networking -Mayutan Arumaithurai, NEC labs, Heidelberg, Germany -IRTF ICNRG WG activities -COAST EU project ITC Meeting, June
5. Call for new Special Interest Groups -New propositions are welcome! -A SIG is generally opened -on a very recent subjects in Internet-working, -if there is a clear activity related to the subject, -Conferences, workshops, special issues, standardization, large research projects, etc -in which ITC members are involved, -and about which the ITC members are willing to report. ITC Meeting, June
5. Call for new Special Interest Groups (2) -New propositions are welcome! -Please send propositions to -Possible new SIGs -Internet Governance? -Inter-network gaming? -Software Defined Networking? ITC Meeting, June
6. Publication activities ITC Meeting, June Computer Networks
6. Publication activities ITC Meeting, June
6. Publication activities ITC Meeting, June
7. Other Business ITC Meeting, June ?
10. Adjourn ITC Meeting, June Next meeting: IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 Dec. 3-7, 2012 Disneyland Hotel Anaheim, CA, USA