SIMCorB ORD The Science Information Management Coordination Board (SIMCorB) Presentation to Norine Noonan March 26, 1999
SIMCorB ORDAgenda u Welcome and Introductions u Assessment Scenario u The SIMCorB Implementation Coordination Plan u ORD Information Strategy u SIMCorB u Guiding Principles u Users and Requirements u Current Projects u Architectural Vision u Priority Projects u Discussion and Wrap-up
SIMCorB ORD “EPA's data resources represent one of the Agency's greatest assets. As a national Federal source of reliable and comprehensive statistical information on the state of public health and the environment, EPA is uniquely equipped to provide the public with critical tools to pursue responsible policies. ” Browner and Hansen, EPA Reorganization Memorandum, February, 1997
SIMCorB ORD Strategic Drivers Challenge to ORD: Leverage evolution in technology to meet the needs posed by changes in the practice of environmental science! Technology is Evolving Enhanced analytical and modeling capability Improved database/object management Internet/Intranet Portable Devices Practice of Environmental Science is Changing Increased and multiple scales Multiple investigator, geographically dispersed Less resources available for data collection
SIMCorB ORD Assessment Scenario u Provide a vision of ORD Information Management(IM)/Information Technology(IT) of the near future u Demonstrate components of the vision that exist today by addressing an environmental assessment question using real ORD data, information and tools u Develop a business case for further investment in IM/IT coordination by demonstrating how current IM/IT efforts support the assessment process
ORD Assessment Questions by Perspective u The public: u Can I eat the fish from the Florida everglades? u The environmental resource manager/Risk Assessor: u At what concentrations do contaminants in fish pose an unacceptable risk to human health? u The scientist: u What is the distribution of mercury in the Florida everglades
SIMCorB ORD Assessment Questions u General question: u What factors determine the spatial distribution of mercury in the Florida Everglades? u Focused question: u Is the distribution of mercury in the Florida Everglades related to population density?
SIMCorB ORD Steps in the Assessment Process u Form research team u Collect background information u Identify data and analytical requirements u Search for or collect data u Conduct analyses u ‘Publish’ new data products and results
SIMCorB ORD Demonstration
ORD Steps in the Process, Chapters in the SIMCorB Implementation Coordination Plan
SIMCorB ORD Strategic View Build IM/IT into ORD’s Research Planning Process Provide tools and services to promote awareness of ORD’s information products Develop communication paths and equipment to allow access to ORD data, metadata and information Provide the infrastructure to develop and maintain ORD’s IM systems and ensure productive use by all ORD and external holders
SIMCorB ORD SIMCorB Mission Coordinate science IRM activities within ORD Develop ORD 0-5 year Science IRM Implementation Plan Provide ORD-wide scientific IRM policies, procedures and standards Guide development of ORD scientific IRM investment portfolio through strategic and implementation planning, sponsorship of projects, development of issue and concept papers, and Proof of Concept demonstrations.
SIMCorB ORD Enhance ORD’s ability to perform collaborative research and share results. Increase ORD influence on Agency IT decisions that effect management of scientific data, information and tools Better position ORD to interact with major EPA initiatives with a significant IRM component like The New Information Office, EMPACT, REI, EDR, etc. Enhance ORD standing and ability to work with organizations outside EPA that are dealing with science IRM issues. Key Benefits of SIMCorB
SIMCorB ORD Guiding Principles u Science and Information in Environmental protection u Information Management u Policy u Data and Data Administration u Systems Design u Operations u Technology u Outreach and Liaison “Will someone 20 years from now, not familiar with the data of how they were obtained, be able to find data sets of interest and then fully understand and use the data solely with the aid of the documentation archived with the data set?” Solving the Global Change Puzzle, National Academy Press Committee on Geophysical Data, National Research Council, 1991
SIMCorB ORD Data and Information Management Information Technology Users, Requirements ORD Science & Business Process Questions Answers "Men have become the tools of their tools. " - Henry David Thoreau ( ) Scientists Executives Administrators Decision makers The public
SIMCorB ORD Current Efforts and Issues Enhanced Collaborative Research EIMS Demonstration Multimedia Integrated Modeling System (MIMS) Other...Issues 1) Good, practical technology, but must keep up with opportunities provided by rapid evolution to maintain ORD credibility 2) Scope of use and understanding within ORD is still small 3) Resources need to be more effective allocated, lots of redundancy 4) Big cultural change required, for example, professional incentives to share data
SIMCorB ORD Current Efforts and Issues ORD influence on Agency decisions on management of science and information SIMCorB Deputy CIO Personal RelationshipsIssues 1) Communication is sporadic 2) Although pockets of excellence, ORD generally not thought of as a place where much in the way of IM/IT is occurring 3) Records management 4) Other than super computing, no computer science research!!!
SIMCorB ORD Current Efforts and Issues Enhance ORD standing and ability to work with organizations outside EPA that are dealing with science IRM issues. CENDI CODATA, GCDMWG Regions, States, NGO’s 2) Time is required to build relationships, identify organizations of interest and interact substantivelyIssues 1) Identification of opportunities is not as methodical, what are we missing? 3) Communication from and to the rest of the Agency
SIMCorB ORD Architectural Vision
SIMCorB ORD Priority Projects 1 Education and Training Enhanced Capacity for Science IM/IT in ORD Laboratories and Centers SIMCorB Support Activities Supporting ORD as an Organization Engaged in Science Information Management "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." - Carl Sagan
SIMCorB ORD Priority Projects 2 Develop Data Administration and Quality Assurance Standards User Requirements and General IM/IT Policy and Standards Development Projects Supporting Scientific Information Management Policies, Procedures and Standards "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. " - Ken Olson, founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
SIMCorB ORD Priority Projects 3 Continued Development of the SIMCorB/ORD Web-Site Strategy to Promote Partnerships with other Organizations SIMCorB Site Visits Projects Supporting Outreach "Thank you for sending me a copy of your book - I'll waste no time reading it. " - Moses Hadas ( )
SIMCorB ORD Priority Projects 4 Implement the SIMS Architecture Develop ORD Data, Information and Tools Inventory in EIMS Implement Architecture to Support Long-term Science Data Archives Evaluate New and Emerging Technologies for Scientific IM Proof-of-Concepts: Endocrine Disrupters, UVB Projects Supporting Development of Common System Components for Science Information Management We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough?" - Niels Bohr ( )
SIMCorB ORD Summary u Commitment by ORD to the principles of scientific information management and the “vision” u Commitment to implement the SIMCorB Implementation Coordination Plan u SIMCorB line in the ORD budget u $495K for start-up of the Plan’s projects u SIMCorB review and optimization of the ORD IM/IT expenditures, for example, Working Capital Fund projects