NATE Training Provider Portal Guide to using the myNATE website Submitting Class Rosters
First Time Login (for RTP Administrators) If you do not have a myNATE login, you would need to create one before you would be able to register courses. To do so, click the “First Time User?” tab, and select the “RTP / Training Organization” activation type.
First Time Login Cont. The site will now request your activation code and provider number, which is provided in your confirmation . If you are an existing Training Organization contact that registered prior to April 2014, but never created a myNATE login, your activation code is your original password, and the provider number is your TO#. After the information is entered, click “Activate”. Your information will appear below. You will then complete the remaining fields (which include selecting a myNATE username/password). Once completed, click the register button, which will send you a verification . After, your address is verified, you can login with your new username and password.
Returning User Login Go to Your original myNATE login still works on the new site. If you do not recall your password, you can use the Lost/Forgotten password feature to reset it.
Adding Instructors RTP Administrators can can add additional people with myNATE logins to your RTP as instructors Instructors are individuals connected to the RTP, that can submit class rosters, but cannot register new courses. To add an instructor to your RTP, you will want to go to the “Instructors” tab on in your RTP Administrator Management window. You can then hit the add additional instructor button, and then search by the instructor’s name or username. Click select on the left hand side of the search window to the instructor to your organization
Adding Instructors Cont. In order to add someone as an instructor they need an existing myNATE username. If they have no previously created a myNATE username as a proctor, certified technician, or other role, then they can register a “blank” record to be added as an instructor. To do so, they would need to go to click on the First Time User? tab. They can then skip the activation box and fill out the fields below and click register. Once created they can provide their username to a RTP admin, who can then add them to the organization.
Adding Instructors cont.
Adding Instructor cont. Instructors have a similar, but limited view compared to the RTP admin. They will have a “Training” tab. When they click on that tab, it will bring them to the same “Submitted Course Hours” tab of their RTP. They could then follow the same procedure for submitting class rosters outlined above.
Instructor View
Submitting a Class Roster To submit an attendance roster online, –RTP Administrators select RTP tab and the “Submitted Course Hours” tab –Instructors select the Training tab From there, click the “Download Empty Roster Template for Uploads” link. This will download an excel file which is used as a template for uploading course hours. Enter the NATE ID number, first name, and last name of each person that attended your course. Save the template with a name you can recognize to upload it later.
Submitting a Class Roster Cont. Next, click the “Upload Roster” button under the “Submitted Course Hours” tab. Select the course you are uploading the roster for from the drop down menu under “Training.” Enter the start date and end date of your course and the location it was held (city, state). Click the “Add files button” and select your upload document. You will be able to verify what you entered on the template matches what is in NATE’s database (slight differences in first names are fine, such as Bill instead of William). The system will alert you if any NATE IDs do not exist in the system. If you have made a mistake, please update your template and upload it again. Screenshots of this process are on the next 4 slides.
Submitting a Class Roster
Submitting a Class Roster cont.
Submitting a Class Roster Cont.
Need Help? This concludes the training guide. If you have any questions about this process or difficulty submitting a course or class roster, please contact NATE customer service at or