Building Search Portals With SP2013 Search
2 SharePoint 2013 Search Introduction Changes in the Architecture Result Sources Query Rules/Result Blocks Changes in search suggestions Search Schema (CA and Site Collection) Search Settings Search center Display Templates Web Part Changes
3 SharePoint Enterprise Search 2013 SharePoint Server 2013 has been optimized for the way people work, providing people with a familiar, consistent view of information, collaboration, and process, and IT with a comprehensive, easily-managed and integrated platform to meet the needs of the business. Enterprise search in SharePoint Server 2013 includes many new capabilities Search user interface improvements Relevance improvements Changes in crawling Discovering structure and entities in unstructured content More flexible search schema Search health reports New search architecture
SharePoint 2010SharePoint 2013 Fast Separate ProductFast Integrated Managed PropertySearch Schemas(CA, Site Collection & Site level Best BetsPromoted Results Scope and Federated LocationResult Source Content By QueryContent By Search Web Part Incremental CrawlContinuous Crawl People Search independent of document searchPeople Search is integrated with core results Scopes DropdownScope Dropdown excluded, Separate Page for each Scope Item Styles for Results Web Part to modify result display pattern Display Templates (HTML, JS) to modify results display Pattern
SharePoint Server 2013 introduces a new search architecture that includes significant changes and additions to the search components and databases. * Search Admin Component governs topology changes and stores things like the following: * Topology Crawl and Query Rules Managed Property Mappings (Search Schema) Content Sources Crawl Schedules SharePoint Enterprise Search 2013 Architecture Crawl Component similar to SP 2010 crawl. In SP 2010 after crawl items were sent to indexer for indexing but now its send to Content Processing component. Earlier only Incremental & Full Crawl, now Continuous Crawl as well Content Processing performs document parsing, metadata extraction, link extraction, and property mappings and store them Link database Index Component host the actual Index. It receives data from the content processing component and indexes this data. It receives search query requests coming in from the Query Processing Component and returns results back Index is divide in to update groups, so single crawl document is indexed in multiple update groups, this helps in partial updates of indexes. Query Processing Component analyzes and processes the query to optimize precision, recall and relevancy. The processed query is then submitted to the index components. The QPC is where Query Rule matching takes place and will transform the query if there is a match. The Query Processing component also performs word breaking, linguistics\stemming and parsing operations. It packages the results from the indexer and passes them back to the WFE which are passed onto the user.
6 Search Topology / Search Service Application Dedicated Search Farm
* A content source is a set of options that you use to specify what, when, and how to crawl. * When a Search service application is created, a content source named "Local SharePoint sites" is automatically created and configured for crawling all SharePoint sites in the local server farm. * Create content sources to specify other content to crawl and how the system should crawl that content. Search Terms Result sources limit searches to certain content or to a subset of search results. SharePoint Server 2013 provides 16 pre-defined result sources. SharePoint Server 2013 automatically creates a result source when you connect a publishing site to a catalogue, and adds it to the result sources in the publishing site. This result source limits search results to the URL of the catalogue The result source can be created for a Search service application, a site collection, or a site.
8 SharePoint 2013 includes a new framework for presenting search results to end users called result types Result types have several elements that enable each type to be rendered differently: Result types are managed as follows: Result Types can apply to an entire search service application or to a specific site or web OOB Result Types are immutable but can be overridden with a copy There is an inheritance hierarchy to result types in a site: the current web, plus the site collection root, plus the Search Service Application. So if you add a new result type to some random web, the sub webs under it won’t inherit that type unless you are working in the site collection root web Result Type Result Types
Q uery Rules :- can be created at the Search Service Application, Tenant, Site Collection or Site level, as follows: SiteSite CollectionSearch Service Application Result Type Clumsy Search Scope Rules Replaced by Query Transform/KQL Query rules are composed of three components: Condition – When to apply the rule? Action – What to do when the rule is matched? Publishing – When should the rule be active? Conditions Query Matches Keyword Exactly Query Contains Action Term Query Matches Dictionary Exactly Actions Add Promoted Result Add Result Block Change ranked results by changing the query
Query Rules A Promoted Result is a result that appears at the top of the search results, this is particularly useful way to promote a particular search result. For example, you may want a query for “human resources info” to promote a link to the human resources SharePoint Site. or those of you familiar with previous versions of SharePoint this is a “Best Bet.” When a promoted result is added three pieces of information are required: Title, URL and Description. A Result Block is a selection of results that are integrated into the core search results. The interesting thing about a result block is that the results don’t necessarily need to come from the local search index!
Search Terms – Query Rules Change Ranked Results by changing the Query -The Query Builder tool provides the ability to supplement a query with additional keyword or managed property restrictions. For example, a query with the action word “contract” such as “sales contract” could be configured to only return Word documents using the action term “contract” as the keyword filter and the managed property filetype=DOCX. Publishing : The final decision is when to make the rules active. The default setting will make the rule active until such a time that it is manually deactivated, however it’s also possible to control when a rule is active using a schedule
12 Search Results –With Result Block/ Promoted Results
Display templates in SharePoint Server 2013 are templates used in Web Parts that use search technology to show the results of a query made to the search index. Display templates control which managed properties are shown in the search results, and how they appear in the Web Part. Each display template is made of two files: * an HTML version of the display template that you can edit in your HTML editor, and * a.js file that SharePoint uses. There are two primary types of display templates: * Control templates determine the overall structure of how the results are presented. Includes lists, lists with paging, and slide shows. * Item templates determine how each result in the set is displayed. Includes images, text, video, and other items. Display Templates TaskSite Collection Admin Site Admin Create and/or override Query Rules, including Promoted Results Create and/or override Result types and display templates Create and/or override Result Sources, either for remote locations or as a custom search “vertical” Create managed properties Create refiners Start a local crawl – can even be done down to the list level Search Configuration and Admin Tasks
Search Terms Query suggestions, (“browse and find” ) also referred to as search suggestions, are suggested phrases that users have already searched for. It includes weighting based on sites that you have previously visited It uses the most frequent queries across all users that “match” the search terms By default, the search system automatically creates suggestions for a query when users have clicked the results for that query at least six times Search Schema Crawled properties are metadata that is extracted from documents during crawls. Users can only search on managed properties and not on crawled properties. To make a crawled property available for search queries, you must map the crawled property to a managed property. You can map multiple crawled properties to a single managed property or map a single crawled property to multiple managed properties. Before the Query Suggestion Above are items based on what other users have queried and found Bottom 3 items are ones you clicked before After the Query Suggestion Top 3 items are ones you clicked before
Search Terms Search Schema Search Settings -Search Refinement There are two different modes for the refiner web part: Search results Faceted navigation Faceted Navigation, is used in conjunction with term sets that are used for navigation With each term you select which managed properties should be used as refiners with that term Within the managed property you need to configure it as “Refinable” Example: Department is the term store term, Customers and Projects could be refiners
* Search Navigation Web-Part * Content Search Web-Part (not available in Office 365) References : New Web Parts- SharePoint 2013
Search Extensibility Create Result Types and Display Templates Improved Keyword Query Language New Search REST API The SharePoint Search Query web service ( has been deprecated in SharePoint 2013, but a brand new Search REST API ( has been added.