1-1 Personal Selling and the Marketing Concept Selling Today 10 th Edition CHAPTER Manning and Reece 1
1-2 Definition of Personal Selling Person-to-person communication with a prospect Personal selling is a process of Developing relationships Discovering needs Matching products with needs Communicating benefits Viewed as a process that adds value
1-3 Strategic/Consultative Selling Model FIGURE 1.1
1-4 Personal Selling in the Information Age An evolution from the industrial economy to the information economy Began in the 1950s New emphasis is information exchange rather than producing goods Implications for personal selling
1-5 A Shift in Emphasis Industrial economy Advances occur in transportation and manufacturing Strategic resources are capital and natural resources Products and factories define the business Sales success means meeting sales quotas Information economy Advances occur in information technology Strategic resource is information Business is defined by customer relations Sales success depends on adding value
1-6 Personal Selling as an Extension of the Marketing Concept Move from a product orientation (peddling) to a customer orientation (partnering)
1-7 The Marketing Mix FIGURE 1.3
1-8 Important Role of Personal Selling Often the major promotional method Firms invest in personal selling Personal selling has evolved because: Products and services are more complex Competition has greatly increased Customer demand for quality, value, and service has risen sharply
1-9 Evolution of Consultative Selling Features of consultative selling include: Customer is a person to be served, not a prospect to be sold Two-way communication identifies (diagnoses) customer’s needs; no high- pressure sales presentation Emphasis on information giving, problem solving, and negotiation rather than manipulation Emphasis on service after the sale
1-10 Strategy and Tactics Tactics Specific techniques, practices, and methods used in customer interaction Strategy Carefully conceived plan needed to accomplish sales objectives A prerequisite to tactical success
1-11 Strategy vs. Tactics Exercise Use a fact sheet comparing your product to the competition Analyze the features of your leading competitors Use specific questions to diagnose needs Analyze a territory to determine those with specific needs Strategy Tactic Identify the following:
1-12 Selling Model 1-20 FIGURE 1.5
1-13 Develop a Personal Selling Philosophy Adopt the marketing concept Value personal selling Assume the role of a problem solver/partner Step 1 :
1-14 Develop a Relationship Strategy Adopt a win-win philosophy Project a professional image Maintain high ethical standards Step 2 :
1-15 Develop a Product Strategy Become a product expert Sell benefits, not features Configure value-added solutions Step 3 :
1-16 Develop a Customer Strategy Understand the buying process Understand buyer behavior Develop prospect base Step 4 :
1-17 Develop a Presentation Strategy Prepare objectives Develop a presentation plan Provide outstanding service Step 5 :
1-18 E-Commerce and the Complex Sale Electronic business Complex sales involve several forms of information technology support, including: Electronic product catalogs Contact management systems PowerPoint and Excel Internet applications Electronic commerce
1-19 Evolution of Partnering Buzzword of 1990s, became business reality in 2000s “Strategically developed, long-term relationship that solves the customer’s problems” Relationship selling relies on a customized approach to each client Enhanced with high ethical standards and CRM
1-20 Value Creation Value-added selling = creative improvements that enhance customer experience The information economy rewards salespeople who add value at each step When customer is not aware of value added by salespeople, the focus may shift to price