DCLL R&D Task Area Reports Compiled by Neil Morley for the TBM Conference Call Oct 6, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

DCLL R&D Task Area Reports Compiled by Neil Morley for the TBM Conference Call Oct 6, 2005

Purpose of R&D in a project are to reduce risk  Risk that the experimental device will negatively impact ITER –plant safety, licensing –operation schedule  Risk that TBM experiments will not achieve experimental mission –Understanding of phenomena and modeling capability is insufficient to interpret or utilize data –Failures in diagnostics or large inaccuracies in measurements give incomplete or poor data –Unanticipated system performance leads to irrelevant or unquantifiable operating conditions

Main DCLL R&D areas R&DMorley Tritium PermeationMerril Thermofluid MHDSmolentsev SiC/SiC Fab Process & PropertiesKatoh SiC/PbLi/FS CompatibilityPint FS Box Fabrication & Material IssuesRowcliffe,Kurtz Helium Systems Subcomponent TestsWong PbLi Hydrogen ProductionMerril Be Joining to FSZinkle,Ulrickson Virtual TBMAbdou Advanced DiagnosticsMorley Integrated mockup testsUlrickson,Tanaka

Tritium Permeation Brad Merrill – INL

Potential Safety Experiments Supporting the US ITBM Program, cont. Thermal Cycle Performance of He Pipe Permeation Barriers simulates thermal stress degradation of permeation barrier coatings for He pipes configuration matched to TBM design for coated components utilize tritium for barrier technology qualification external thermal cycles followed by testing in permeation rig for integrated effects thermal cycling in permeation rig for barrier dynamic response

Tritium Permeation Schedule associated safety issues resolved associated design issues resolved Test schedule set to provide input into the initial licensing process; but if the licensing procedure can be staged, then QA of barriers could be performed any time prior to DT operation

Out-of-pile Qualification Tests for Permeation Barriers Test cost estimated to be 2.8 $M over 4 years Total estimated cost is 2.8 $M over 4 years (15% experiment design, 25% experiment fabrication, 60 % performing experiments and data analysis)

Thermofluid MHD Sergey Smolentsev - UCLA

Thermofluid MHD R&D  This WBS includes research and development tasks and their associated administration including experimental investigations, development of modeling tools, and performing numerical simulations to address the most critical aspects of Pb-17Li flows/heat transfer in the TBM under ITER DCLL conditions. The main purposes are: –to provide specific information on MHD flows and heat transfer needed for the completion of the reference TBM design and its safety operation in ITER; –to qualify and quantify the most critical MHD/heat transfer phenomena that can affect performance of the DCLL concept; –to develop and validate needed thermofluid MHD modeling tools; –to access main MHD/heat transfer issues related to the Flow Channel Insert (SiCf/SiC and sandwich FCIs) as a key element of the DCLL concept; –to provide other R&D WBS with the information they need to accomplish their goals; –as a preparation to tests in ITER, simulate conditions when the reference design can be used for meaningful experiments, addressing the most important features of the higher performance regime; –in cooperation with other level 6 WBS, to establish R&D plans and develop diagnostics tools for TBM tests in ITER.  IMPORTANT COMMENTS ON R&D and COSTING –All major R&D supporting the TBM design should be accomplished by the end of –From 2011 to 2015 we will concentrate on planning ITER tests with supporting experiments and modeling, and will develop and integrate the Thermofluid MHD sub-module into the VTBM code. –Almost all experiments will be supported with modeling. –When doing the R&D, we will specify special ITER tests to simulate basic features of the higher performance regime, while keeping the exit Pb-17Li temperature at 470  C. –We will reduce our R&D costs by using existing MHD facilities at UCLA and then projecting the moderate (1-2 T) magnetic field results to the higher field region (~4 T) via engineering scaling and modeling. –Some costs on modeling include SBIR.

Thermofluid MHD R&D Schedule - R&D to support reference design - Development of modeling tools - Planning tests in ITER with supporting experiments and modeling; - Contribution to VTBM

Thermofluid MHD R&D Preliminary Cost Estimate TOTAL COST FOR 10 YEARS, M$: 15.3

SiC/SiC FCI Fabrication and Properties Yutai Katoh - ONRL

SiC/SiC FCI Fabrication and Properties Task List and Descriptions Technical Planning Recommendation on 0th-order SiC/SiC FCI fabrication Provide recommendation on materials for preliminary MHD experiment Initial analysis and reference strategy development Perform initial analysis of technical issues for SiC/SiC FCI Develop trans-electrical conduction measurement technique Establish electrical conductivity measurement in hot lab Develop test for stiffness matrix Establish test methods for mechanical properties including stiffness matrix st generation FCI SiC/SiC Insulating composite development Design and fabricate 1st round SiC/SiC FCI Failure mode analysis Identify potential failure modes of SiC/SiC FCI Non-irradiated characterization Perform electrical/thermal/mechanical tests on 1st generation samples Material/architectural design refinement Provide feedback for 2nd round FCI SiC/SiC fabrication Alternative Concept Plan, design, and perform small confirmative studies for alternative FCI concept Reference strategy development Define initial strategy for alternative FCI nd generation FCI SiC/SiC Production and testing of 2nd generation customized FCI SiC/SiC Material fabrication Fabricate material for FCI based on refined material / architectural design Non-irradiated characterization Characterize non-irradiated physical and mechanical properties Model component fabrication Determine appropriate shaping technique and fabricate model components Analysis of FCI samples from flow channel experiment Perform analysis of samples taken from FCI in flow channel experiment Low Dose Irradiation Effects Determine effects of low dose irradiation of FCI properties and performance Differential swelling and creep Determine differential swelling and irradiation creep compliance Irradiated conductivities and baseline properties Determine irradiation effect on transport properties of SiC/SiC FCI

SiC/SiC FCI Fabrication and Properties Task Schedule

SiC/SiC FCI Fabrication and Properties Costing Table

SiC/PbLi/FS Compatibility Bruce Pint - ONRL

SiC/PbLi/FS Compatibility Task Descriptions (Bruce Pint)

FS Box Fabrication & Material Issues Arthur Rowcliffe – Free agent Rick Kurtz – PNL

FS Box Fabrication Tasks, Schedule, Effort

Helium Systems Subcomponent Tests Clement Wong - GA

Helium Systems Subcomponent Tests This WBS includes the administration, R&D and subcomponents testing of helium systems in the TBM, specifically for the determination of FW heat transfer enhancement and module helium flow distributions Helium cooled first wall heat transfer enhancement This WBS includes the administration and R&D to recommend the necessary first wall channel heat transfer enhancement design for the reference DCLL TBM design while satisfying all necessary design limits for all operation scenarios of the first test module, with consideration of efficient and cost effective design conversion to be applied to the integrated testing TBM. Both analytical and experimental work will be utilized. The experimental evaluation and demonstration of the heat transfer enhancement design will be performed with existing US facilities and/or with the DCLL mockup facility. If appropriate, international collaboration will be considered Helium cooled flow distribution This WBS includes the administration and R&D to recommend the necessary helium flow channel design in order to satisfy the thermal-hydraulic performance of the DCLL TBM design with necessary uniform flow distribution and without the risk of flow instability for all operational phases of the first test module, and with consideration of efficient and cost effective design conversion to be applied to the integrated testing TBM. This WBS includes all components of the helium flow loops, including helium-cooled ferritic structure of the TBM, pipes and ancillary equipment. Design criteria will be established and both analytical and experimental work will be applied when appropriate. When analytical work cannot provide clear cut answers for the selected flow configuration, experimental investigation and demonstration will be applied to the problem area. Subsequent design recommendation will be made. The most likely areas that will need experimental demonstration are the flow plenum and distributions through all the coolant channels of the ferritic structure and first wall components. The experimental evaluation and demonstration of the flow distribution design will be performed with existing US helium flow loop facilities and/or with the DCLL mockup facility. If appropriate, international collaboration will be considered. The WBS will be closely coordinately with the engineering WBS

Helium Systems Subcomponent Tests Schedule

Helium Systems Subcomponent R&D Preliminary Cost Estimate

PbLi/Water Hydrogen Production Brad Merrill – INL

Potential Safety Experiments Supporting the US TBM Program simulates LOVA with pooling water and sprayed molten PbLi single and multiple droplet sizes or streamed injection variable surface area of exposed water gas analyzer measures moisture content and H 2 generation view ports allow imaging of reaction surfaces, temperature measurements, and droplet dynamics The chemical reaction of primary concern for the DCLL TBM is the PbLi reaction with H 2 O – ITER requires that the PbLi volume be limited to 0.28 m 3 to ensure that the in- vessel H 2 production is less than 2.5 kg – Alternatively, a detailed analysis of PbLi/H 2 O reaction must be performed that considers a Pb-17Li spray into water (spray droplets that are ~ 2 mm in radius); this analysis is problematic because reaction rate data does not exist for such droplets – Our DDD relied on data from a single test (pouring contact mode) that indicates that ~50% of the Li will react; however only the amount of H2 generated and the time to achieve this quantity of H2 were reported and very little additional information was given regarding important modeling phenomena such as Pb–17Li fragmentation, transient temperatures, and reaction rates at various conditions.

PbLi/H2O Hydrogen Production R&D Task Test schedule set to provide input into the initial licensing process, since this issue must be resolved before the TBM can be installed in ITER Common problem for DCLL and HCLL TBMs (collaboration may be possible)

PbLi/H2O Hydrogen Production R&D Task Total estimated cost is 2.4 $M over 4 years (25% experiment design, 23% experiment fabrication, 32 % performing experiments, 0% data analysis)

Be to FS Joining R&D October 6, 2005 M. Ulrickson Presented on TBM R&D Call Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

Be to FS Joining R&D R&D Tasks  Joining Research –Study interlayers (diffusion barriers) and joining techniques such as HIP or brazing, mechanical tests (2 Phases)  TBM PFC Development –Mockups of the TBM PFC will be fabricated for high heat flux testing. 20 by 100 mm (up to 1000 cycles) at MW/m 2, NDE and post test. (2 Phases)  Prototype PFC –A prototype TBM PFC for HHF testing ( full width and thickness but shorter). At least 1000 (up to cycles) at 0.3 to 1.0 MW/m 2. Pre and Post test examination.  Irradiation of TBM PFC –Measurement of the key properties of the Be to FS joints and joined (e.g., welded or HIPped) FS for irradiation to 2 dpa in HFIR. Testing of both irradiated and unirradiated samples will be done to compare the joints and measure reliability.

TBM PFC Development Schedule

Be to FS Joining R&D Cost Estimate TaskCost Estimate (FY06$) Joining Research$1220K TBM PFC Development$2170K Prototype TBM PFC Dev.$1000K Irradiation Testing$314K

Virtual TBM Development Mohamed Abdou - UCLA

Virtual TBM Development Tasks

1.5 man-yr/yr2.5 man-yr/yr1 man-yr/yr

Virtual TBM Development Preliminary Cost Estimate  Total labor as identified on previous page is ~19 man.year, or roughly a burdened cost of ~$5.5M.  Travel and computers, ~$0.3M  Software costs, ~$0.3M  Total cost over 10 years: ~$6M

Advanced Diagnostics Neil Morley - UCLA

Advanced Diagnostics Tasks

Advanced Diagnostics Schedule 0.25 man.year/yr 0.5 man.year/yr 0.25 man.year/yr 0.5 man.year/yr  Preparation/operation of mockups included under integrated testing  In-pile testing in fusion neutron source relying on International collaboration

Advanced Diagnostics Preliminary Cost Estimate  Total labor as identified on previous page is ~6.75 man.year, or roughly a burdened cost of ~$1.9M over 10 years  Travel (largely international): ~$0.3M  Mockups and mockup test facilities assumed to be provided under integrated testing task  Neutron sources assumed to be provided internationally  Cost of test diagnostics: $0.5M  Total cost over 10 years: ~$2.7M (with some big assumptions)

TBM Integrated Testing DCLL and HCCB ½ scale tests Tina J. Tanaka Task list, schedule and rough costs October 6, 2005

Integrated Testing Task list  He Loop –Specify, purchase, install and test a Helium hoop that is adequate for testing both the DCLL and HCCB test blanket modules  Integrated test of ½ scale DCLL –Design and fabricate mockup, FW heating test with He cooling, Overpressure test  Integrated test of ½ scale HCCB –Design and fabricate mockup, Flow test, overpressure test.

Integrated Testing Task schedule

Integrated Testing Rough Cost Breakdown TaskCost He loop$2,660K DCLL test$1,680K HCCB test$200K* less $40K if DCLL is also done.

Cost Summary and Observation R&D~$41M Tritium Permeation2.8M Thermofluid MHD15.3M SiC/SiC Fab Process & Properties1.89M SiC/PbLi/FS Compatibility0 FS Box Fabrication & Material Issues0 Helium Systems Subcomponent Tests.84M PbLi Hydrogen Production2.4M Be Joining to FS (TBM PFC)4.7M Virtual TBM6M Advanced Diagnostics2.7M Integrated mockup tests4.34M  Yearly average, ~$4M/yr  Weighting is towards middle 5 years  Still missing estimates for 2 subject areas –  2 nd TBM mockups not included

Schedule Summary

How to proceed?  Detailed discussions are necessary. I want to schedule a weekly call to discuss details of groups of related R&D and get a better concensus and level of detail  People who didn’t get to comment on this call should send detailed “chits” with concerns, questions, comments to the task leader, with cc to neil, clement, abdou.  I will continue to synthesize and talk to leaders individually to try to get a coherent plan and resource estimate by the end of October.  I will keep the evolving dictionary, schedule and cost at