Team Pictures About the creation of the web-site
Overall view on team The whole team – all working hard on the web-site
Project Leader This project was the idea of our teacher Ms. Stahlberg Ms. Stahlberg solving the last problems
The teams Every team consists of one or two students These teams have topics, which they write articles about
Hard Work The way to the final War Of The Worlds web-site takes much time and work. Much information is gathered by every team.
Corrections Last corrections made before the final web-site can be uploaded to our web-server
Writing the Articles Bernhard and RafiPhillip and Martin After the individual webquests, the teams start to write their articles. These articles are put together and finally formatted for being mailed to our webmasters.
The Web-Site This is the first draft of the web-site developed. Christoph Keutner and Tobias Etzold use most modern technologies for creating the web- site. The prototype of the web-site
The End Feel free to take a look: you are heartily invited, and TGym2 proudly presents: Arndt Dienstbier
End Of Presentation Project: The War Of The Worlds Leader: Ms. E. H.-Stahlberg Team: TGym2 (Berufskolleg Geldern) Created UpDated Made byDienstbier; ArndtDienstbier; Arndt