Money and "Real-Life" Problems
Today we will be learning: to choose the correct number operation to solve a word problem to solve problems involving money.
Which two coins could they be? Mental Activity Two coins are hidden. They total 20p. Which two coins could they be?
They total 20p.
This time, three coins are hidden. Altogether, the value of the coins is 60p. Which coins could they be?
Altogether, the value of the coins is 60p.
Could we have used a different combination of three coins to make 60p? Yes, we could have used these.
What is the smallest number of coins we could use to make 60p?
What is the smallest number of coins that we could use to make 30p?
What is the smallest number of coins that we could use to make 15p?
Today we are going to use all the number operations to solve problems. Main Activity Today we are going to use all the number operations to solve problems.
Which number operation will you use? Each child in a class of 30 is given 10p. How much does the class have altogether? £3.00
Which number operation will you use this time? Josh buys a bag of crisps for each of his six friends. Each bag costs 26p. How much does he spend? £1.56 Which number operation will you use this time?
How will you solve this problem? Linda gets £1.75 pocket money per week. How much could she save in four weeks if she does not spend any of it? £7.00 How will you solve this problem?
Group Work Investigate different amounts that can be made using three, four or five coins. Work on calculations with money. Think about which number operation to use before solving the problem. Work in pairs. Make up money word problems for your partner to solve.